
An Aesthetically Appealing Golf Video


This Macho Mash-up of epic proportions was lovingly crafted by Heather Jones of the excellent site, Real Women Golf. It stars a provocative pairing that never made it onto the course today: Sergio Garcia, Adam Scott and Camilo Villegas.

I'll be heading out to Bethpage tomorrow, and hope to see them in action. (currently attempting to find a pair of mud-resistant stilettos)


  1. Should you find the mud-resistant stilettos, push them aside and grab the mud-proof pair. Then make sure you don't step in any of that trio's lines on the greens.

    No one has ever blogged about stiletto etiquette on greens, so you might not be aware of that courtesy.

    And I still think you should don a GGD T-shirt just to see what size gallery you drum up.

  2. Have fun at Bethpage, Golf Girl. Tomorrow might just be the best day to go.

  3. I'd definitely rather see these lovely golfers in person.

    If anyone can manage mud-resistant stilettos, it's you. I'd trip and end up with mud on my face (TXQ will like that one ;o)

    Have fun, looking forward to your posts.

  4. Heather, don't fret over the potential mud in your face. You look good in anything.

  5. Had a great time at the practice round Wednesday. Spent some time with Big Breakers Blair O'neal and Kim "Bunz" Kouwabunpat. They were terrific, friendly as well as smokin' hot. look for them while you are wandering the course. They are there for Golf by Design, I believe.

  6. Heather said...
    "I'd definitely rather see these lovely golfers in person."

    Heather, if you asked those three, in person, if "lovely" is the adjective they like to be described as, the answer would be an expletive.

    Or in you lingo, a bleepopotamus.


Lets us know what you think...