

The Cigar / Golf Connection

Last week Nick woke up with an annoying cough and told me he was giving up cigars. And he did. For about three days. Then, when sun came out and he was able to get back onto the golf course, he quickly reached for a Cohiba.

Somehow he hadn't quite gotten around to disposing of his supply and unplugging the humidor. So yesterday, in the spring sunshine, we traversed the course surrounded by our usual cloud of smoke.

When I asked Nick what happened to his admirable anti-tabacco resolution he said he had decided to alter it slightly; he would only smoke on the golf course from now on because those were the only cigars he really enjoyed anyway, everything else he was giving up. I didn't bother to point out that he rarely ever smoked off the course, but it got me wondering what the golf/cigar connection was all about.

Clearly there is a connection. Guys who wouldn't dream of smoking in any other context happily light up on the golf course. Recently the gentlemen bloggers at Oobgolf, even started a Cigar Lounge column that's been eliciting enthusiastic comments from reader who seem to really know their stogies.

I'm not bothered by cigar smoke myself - I'm used to all kinds of smoke from living in Europe during the nineties - but I realize others are, and I do feel somewhat uncomfortable when I see the scornful stares we sometimes get from nonsmoking golfers. I hear there's even a movement afoot to ban smoking on some golf courses.

So I want to hear what you think: Cigars & Golf, do you feel they go together or would you vote for a ban? Are you bothered by golf course smokers or are you one of them...or do you just not care. Let me know what you think and maybe we can get to the bottom of this.

In the meantime Nick still has a slight cough and I'm thinking of pulling the plug on his Cohiba collection.


  1. anyone who gives you (nick) a dirty look when smoking a cigar outside, on the course deserves a strongly gestured "bronx cheer".

  2. Coughing is just the don't want to know what comes next.

    Believe me, I am completely qualified to take a stance on this issue since I am a FORMER Cigar-Pipe-Cigarette (and Grapevine, if you want to go back to my early childhood) Smoker. And now I am paying the price many of these guys and gals out of the golf course will pay just to appear cool or in fashion.

    It is one thing to wear a navy blue shirt with a pair of black slacks while walking around wearing Brown shoe with a white belt to be in fashion. Fashion statements are temporary and only enhances a person’s perceived cool factor for that moment. But it is a total differ factor when it come to smoking on a stogy, especially on the golf course...and that is the health factor. Needless the health factor is not temporary.

    There is a time a place for everything and smoking a cigar while participating in a physical activity like golf is a heart attack waiting to happen.

    Cigars, especially the good ones, were made to sit and enjoy in a controlled environment. A golf course is by no means is a controlled environment.

    It wasn’t until the tobacco industries marketing firms felt they need to expand their influence into new markets that they targeted golfers. Naturally, like everything else in golf, it started with the tour professionals smoking a cigar as they walked down the 18th fairway. As a result, every swinging dick over 21 years of age wants to cash in on that cool factor buy being seen on the golf course ‘lipping a turd’.

    I am all into a smoker’s civil rights, but smoking (of anything) goes against a non-smokers right’s also. The answer is simple...since the golf course is for both smokers and non-smokers it would be good for a cigar smoker to ask if they would be violating the other person’s rights if they smoked during the round. The same goes for the non-smoker to state from the beginning that they would prefer that if their playing partner smokes that they not smoke during the round. If there is a conflict in either case...then the choice is to play on or find another likeminded playing partner.

    Personally and professional I have always taken the stance, especially knowing the consequences smoking for many years, that I cannot understand why someone would want to place something in their mouth that looks and smells like something that came out their ass. Have I made myself clear on where I stand on this? Fortunately, I know I am not alone.

  3. I am rabidly anti-tobacco smoking. But it seems real wrong to ban it on a golf course--its outdoors, and who is it hurting. More nannyism.


  4. i'm with becky c.. anything that turns on a hot lesbian is alright with me...

    mr. biz golf on the other hand is one big putz - i only got thru about half of his ridiculous post but one thing is for sure, he won't be invited to play with slick willie anythime soon....

  5. Nick - you're a wise man. First off, you find the hot chick who enjoys being on the golf course and you marry her. Good for you - there are a lot of us who are envious.

    P - you need to leave HIS humidor alone. He's not a child - I have no idea where women get this idea that it's ok for them to make all these decisions for men, but god help the man who does the same thing to a woman.

    To those politically correct whiners - mind your own business. He's not blowing smoke in your faces. He is OUTSIDE. You people need to get a life and let other people live theirs. You run around screaming for freedom, but run to the government to take away the freedom of people who do what YOU don't like. Go hug a tree to make yourself feel good - then smell a rose - you might feel better in general.

    I have NO idea what mr B means by "cigars were intended to be smoked in a controlled environment". That doesn't even make sense.

    P ! - step away from the humidor - that's asking for trouble. Lots of people get coughs this time of year - it's called Spring. I've been sneezing and coughing the last few days and I don't smoke.

  6. YOu know, I think it depends on the smoker. My husband and I play golf with a cigar smoker and he's alway very considerate. He's concious of how the wind is blowing and where we're all standing and we're never affected by his smoke.

  7. I can't believe they'd ever try to legislate the air outside at a golf course. That's insane.

  8. I think you should just accept your husband's unhealthy habits. Worse case scenario, he gets cancer and you find someone younger. And who cares about those liberal non-smoking control freaks. If they don't want to inhale smoke on the golf course, they should take their pansy asses to socialist Europe.

  9. Hi Pat,
    I have a question for you, but first a comment. I gave up smoking but now am "allowed" an occasional cigar. Which is probably twice as bad but less addictive I think than cigarettes.If he can stick to one while playing golf let him do it. knowing you can have one if you want makes it easier to quit.
    Anyway, the question. I am the webmaster of, I'd like to use your photo in our "women of golf" section, and request reciprical links and possibly add your "column" to our site. Let me know your thoughts. Keep up the good work!

  10. I think that smoking cigars and golf go hand in hand. I have no issues with people smoking cigars on the golf course. I too have smoked a cigar while golfing. The only problem I ran into is someplace to put the cigar when you tee off.

    Golfing for me is about relaxing and enjoying your surroundings. Nothing is more relaxing than smoking cigar and playing golf.


  11. to Anon (below Lisa) - do a little Google search on smoking bans. These ultra-liberal types are not stopping with banning smoking in government buildings (constitutionally the ONLY buildings they have control over - but that didn't stop the government) - they have managed to get smoking banned in a lot of privately owned office buildings, restaurants, and bars. This is not news.

    HOWEVER - you will find that these nut jobs have gotten a taste of the power their screaming seems to wield. In some parts of the country (San Francisco for example) there have been efforts to ban smoking in cars and even in private homes. Here in Georgia, there are areas where those sad looking hoards of smokers have been banned from standing around doors and next to the buildings because people have to walk through their billows to get inside. (all in all, not a terrible idea, it IS about as unsightly to the building as having panhandlers roaming the entryways) Here, smokers have been told to stand 100 feet away from the government buildings - which makes rainy days a real adventure for them. (basically, if it's raining - they ignore the rule)

    There is no end to the crap these people can come up with to force people to stop doing the things their group deems dangerous or unhealthy.

    How in the world did we ever survive growing up before these people came along ? My parents might have been locked up by today's standards - dad smoked, I never wore a bicycle helmet, played baseball without a batting helmet and played catcher without kevlar pads and masks, and ALL kinds of hideous "bad" parenting.

    P !!! I said step away from the humidor ! I see you sneaking around over there. :-D

  12. I agree that ettiquette is important. If your enjoyment of a cigar is going to detract from another golfer's experience, then you shouldn't light up. I think most people have an understanding of that.

    I have found, however, that the only way I can enjoy a cigar on the golf course is if I'm prepared with all the necessary accessories.

    The Smooth Draw Portable Cigar Humidor keeps my cigars from being damaged while also maintaining an appropriate humidity level.

    The Gold Eagle Cigar Minder lets me set my lit cigar down to tap in my birdies (and bogeys, all too often) without worrying about contamination from anything nasty on the cart or course.

    There's nothing worse than having a nice cigar but not having a lighter or matches. I make sure to always carry a back up of both in my bag just in case.

  13. HHHMMMMmmmmm - I just noticed something...GG has a GFW post about HER personal affinity for golf and wine - yet I don't see hubby posting to complain that she should stop this habit since drinking and driving is illegal. (another point in his favor - he knows it's dangerous to get between a woman and her vino.) :-)

    Scratch - EXCELLENT point about the cigar minder (Eagle or any other brand) - while it may look cool to flick a cigarette or cigar aside before crushing yet another 300 yard tee shot - there are a lot of chemicals and fertilizers on golf course grass - picking it back up and start smoking again just ain't smart.

  14. I just played in a 2 day golf tournament and was paired with the leader of the round on the 2nd day. As we rode in our carts- he asked me if I minded if he smoked his cigars. I said "naw.. doesnt bother me".

    Well its funny to point out that the 1st day of the tournament I was paired with a different player. Prior to the 1st hole I had a banana in my bag and decided to eat it. My partner quickly told me they did not want me to eat my banana in the cart b/c they couldn't stand the smell of them and demanding I throw away my banana peel immediately! lol

    GO FIGURE!!! hahahaha

  15. Well the consensus is: I better leave the humidor alone. :o)

    Here are some other comments I received via MySpace and email:

    ...I have friends that smoke cigars. Me being a none smoker I try to enjoy the fresh air on the course. I am not a nonsmoking nazi I just move a few more feet away.

    ...It's a "guy thing", I think is sexy to see a guy playing Golf and Smoking a cigar.

    ...Anybody that I have played with only uses the cigars to line up their putts. This is the only way they can play. They get behind the ball and put the cigar down! Making sure they draw the putter over the line the cigar makes to sink the putt. So ban them, if they are used this way. People... just smoke them!!!!!!!!!

    ... I'd have to say I'm in favor of them, even though I don't do them myself. Golfnut 59 is, however, correct in banning them from the greens. If you need your cigar to line up putts you're a, well, PUTZ! I would hate to think we might get to a point where we have smoking and non-smoking golf courses- but if enough shrill voices scream about it, I'm sure the federal government will jump in.

    ...Love cigars on the golf course. Golf can be a relaxing game, at times, and the cigar makes it much more enjoyable.

  16. I am a smoker....I think people who don't otherwise smoke light up a cigar on a golf course is contrived. Same as people who bump cigarette off me at a party.

  17. Awesome post, lots of opinions! I don't smoke and I don't mind if someone sparks up a stogey while riding in the cart. I do appreciate if they ask first, but it's not going affect my opinion of them if they don't. Everyone has their own "thing" that helps them enjoy their round more, far be it from me to keep them from it.

    I have a question for everyone. What's worse, cigar smoker or cell phones on the course? If I had to choose, hands down the cell phone operator would be wearing my 3 iron as a funky new hat.


  18. Great post GG, now show us your tits!!!

  19. the man in the picture is fumando a real cohiba


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  21. Yup. I agree with what ever Anonymous said. If someone gives u a dirty look while smoking a cigar specially cohiba deserves a strongly gestured bronx cheer. Only this way you can go through. And Mr Business Golf is right. These things must remain under some limit. Other wise they are extremely harmful.

  22. Smoking cigars on the golf course don't personally bother me as long as they respect the golf course and people around them by not blowing it in our faces or throwing their ashes on our Golf Balls

    No need for more obstacles and hazards.


Lets us know what you think...