

Golf Lingerie - So You Want to be a Golf Goddess

Like all conscientious, high profile golf bloggers, I receive tons of press releases. They come from PR firms and golf companies of all sorts. Many are so impersonal and formulaic I wonder why they bother. Today however, I got one that ...stood out.

The headline announced "Revolutionary Golf Lingerie", and I immediately thought of a high-tech sports bra that would re-engineer my posture, probably paired with a matronly "brief" of the "full-cut, no-ride" type.

Then I noticed that the press release was from MioDestino, an online designer lingerie boutique that sells the most exquisite and unique European lines.

At MioDestino, they don't do matronly. Never have, never will. And this fun, flirty "golfing bra and knicker set", is anything but. The sexy set features artfully placed golf balls, golf tees and even score counter straps... and while it may not lower your handicap it'll certainly improve your "swing".

I'm looking forward to receiving my set soon. Then as a conscientious high profile golf blogger, I'll probably need to model it. MioDestino ships from the UK so look for that post here in about a week. In the meantime check out the awesome MioDestino blog. Yes, they blog too. Talk about multi-talented.

Happy Friday.


  1. Oh - that's a new take on lingerie. Definitely for the golf obsessed. ;)

  2. Leave it to the bawdy brits to come up with something like that. I love they way they say "knickers" too. There are a few golf girls I'd like to see wearing that, and a few I wouldn't.

  3. I don't know what to say...except that I like the principal.

  4. I can't wait to read your first person review of this particular "golf product". I just hope it doesn't get censored. :-0

  5. If she was a little shorter, the pair of balls hanging from the brassiere's center might cause some confusion.

    Do your balls hang low?
    Do they wobble to and fro?
    Can you tie 'em in a knot?
    Can you tie 'em in a bow?
    Can you throw them over your shoulder
    like a Continental Soldier?
    Do your balls hang low?

  6. Now that isn’t even fair, where is the rules book. Talk about the NYSE loosing ground, my handicap would not be far behind,but who cares!

  7. Thank you! Great christmas present! ;-)

  8. poor gg
    so desperate to keep her blog audience
    as the golf season wanes
    what to do, what to do

    a great idea!, promote sexy golf underwear
    And even tell them i'll be modelling it
    so then they will come, then they will come

    poor, poor gg
    selling her soul to the devil
    so courtgolf, blobbio and mr. biz golf can fantasize some more
    oh what an enormous bore

  9. Actually if it's coming from the UK it'll probably be two or three weeks.

    I'll be waiting patiently.

  10. Lemme guess, the most highly read blog of the week?


    have a good weekend Hannigan

  11. OK Patricia now you've got me lusting for a golf ball bra, but how am I going to convince my boyfriend, he's a hockey player. :o(

  12. I'm guessing you need a new boyfriend Lisa. ;}

  13. To make this posting complete need to order that out-fit and blog your next round complete with pics for a personal review.

    I bet that the follow-up post will knock the socks off this one!

  14. it won't exactly be the most smooth and discreet bit of lingerie, will it ? might be a little lumpy at that romantic dinner. :-)

  15. Hey GG,

    Let me know if you need someone to help you find your golf ball! I can still remember the Jan Stevenson golf calendar where she cleverly used golf balls as a coverup. This looks like the natural evolution and i look forward to it!

    Golf Tips For Beginners

  16. Love it. The golf ball bra +1.


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