

Earth Day ShoutOut: The Awesome Golf Refugees

Happy Earth Day!

Golf... as I wrote earlier in the week... is a lot greener than most casual observers realize.  Organizations and initiatives to reduce golf’s environmental impact are multiplying... and they're creating a golf culture focused on protecting the environment and preserving the natural heritage of the game.

In fact, it's now difficult to imagine golf development of any sort that doesn't include an environmental plan and incorporate documented environmental management practices.

To that end I'm hoping to post a series of shout outs... today and throughout the weekend... to some of my favorite environmentally conscious golfers, golf courses, and golf businesses.

Dress codes don't apply to golf carts
Golf Refugees - They've been challenging golf culture convention for nearly a decade and practically invented the golfwear/urban streetwear category... a category once seen as a slightly subversive novelty, now a staple of fairway fashion.  

Golf Refugees is also the quintessential indy eco golf brand and the world's first carbon neutral organic golf wear brand.  Unafraid of feather ruffling and passionate about the game, Golf Refugees is clearly committed to producing golf apparel that's clean and green.  

Their stewardship however, is never sanctimonious, and their graphics reflect the humor inherent in a game as exacting... and addictive... as golf.   
For when you shank one into the gorse bushes.
To fully appreciate Golf Refugees' environmental commitment... and their humoristic creativity ... you must have a look at their blog.  There you'll be able to read about the extraordinary Earth Day initiative they've taken: Golf Refugees is actually submitting proposals to the the governing bodies of golf (USGA and R&A) to revised their Rules of Golf to incorporate "green" measures ... and readers can support for the proposals with comments and suggestions.  

Why not head over there now as part of your Earth Day Initiative.  


  1. It's great to see golf companies that care about the planet. And I love the golf refugees bathing suits!

  2. Nigel Horton4/22/2011 1:20 PM

    For anything to change there needs to be a re-education of recreational golfers on what to expect from a golf course and a move away from the Augustafication of golf course design and maintenance. If golfers can't enjoy playing of more natural courses environmental initiatives will not succeed in the long term.

  3. Thank you Patricia for airing this topic. We are currently waiting for a reply from the RandA.
    Also, we have posted this item on some golf groups in Linkedin. Where initial comments have been negative. 'Too many rules already etc.' If there are going to be new golf rules we believe they should be eco golf rules.

  4. We regularly run into deer, foxes, wild turkeys, hawks ... it's a veritable wildlife preserve. I always hope these creatures aren't being exposed to a lot of toxic chemicals. I think eco rules would be great.


Lets us know what you think...