

Nude Golf has a New Venue: Karlskoga Golfklubb

Newsflash: Karlskoga Golfklubb, in central Sweden, is relaxing their dress code... significantly.

Effective immediately as soon as it warms up a bit, "country club conservative" will be replaced by "clothing optional" on the fairways of this established course. You see, the golf club has recently partnered with a local "naturalist club" and Karlskoga General Manger, Sven Nödtorftig, embraced the concept of golf in-the-altogether, with enthusiasm although he was careful to reassure those who find the idea of nude golf... and nude golfers... unsettling. "We aren't forcing everyone to play naked," he declared, "and you will see the naked players playing at specific times, such as early morning or late afternoon".

Mr. Nödtorftig BTW, is himself a naturist, and presumably looks forward to playing in the buff as the sunny season begins.
I've written about nude golf on a couple of occasions, most recently a couple of months ago regarding Nude Golf International, a global nude golf tournament that takes place in New Zealand.

However, it was the awesome Exilgolfer who tweeted me about this latest nude golf development,... and he's got additional details... and photos.

Though most everyone I've spoken to on this side of the Atlantic seems to find the idea of playing golf in the nude quite preposterous... and one does need to be careful regarding sun exposure...  the concept seems to be catching on in other lands.  It's a trend worth watching. IMHO.


  1. i think it will be worse than going to a nude beach - most people on a nude beach should be wearing clothing - typically you have a few fat old guys down by waters edge leering at the "flock" and focusing on the 1 or 2 beauties that complete the fantasy of the promise of nudity - yuck!

    imagine a day on the links with and older group of golfers climbing in and out of bunkers - or having the dubious pleasure of standing behind a fat, bloated and wrinkled buddy as he/she bends over to read a putt and/or retrieve a ball from the cup - how about watching a wrinkled up old fart (male or female) swing a driver too hard - what will you watch, the ball or all the moving skin?

    are you kidding me? your readership of this blog must be seriously declining if this is what you are up to now golf girl.

    btw - as i know you are a very attractive women, i'm guessing in her forties - do you really what to be on display for all your husbands golf buddies? look at all the photos of your husband and his golf buddies on the course -close your eyes and imagine them all naked- some shafts will likely be in the firm position_____ now put yourself in the picture and think does that image sit with you gg???

  2. .

    well we have had a variation of this down here in soFLA

    its the course "ambassadors" who leave very little to the imagination with what they wear

    and all the old timers who play wear sunglasses

    no one keeps score at these tournaments and there is always a lot of booze

    the heat and humidity does the rest

    anyway be well

    ftliquordale soFLA

  3. Actually Anon 7:40, I'm not evangelizing for nude golf with this story as you seem to suggest, I'm simply reporting on a golf story that I find interesting and fun.

    I've always aimed to present an eclectic mix of golf stories from around the world and in that context I think this story is a perfect fit. While it may not appeal to everyone, I don't think it'll result in a readership decline. In fact the stories I've done on nude golf in the past have proven to be... quite popular.

    Frank, I like the idea of a casual round where no one keeps score, and sunglasses can make a great style statement. :o) Have a good weekend.

  4. The Scandinavians seem to have a far more relaxed attitude regarding nudity than we have here in the US. The main reason being that here nudity is always associated with sex. That said, nude golf would be far too distracting.

  5. In Sweden you can play all night during the summer due to the midnight sun. Imagine being able to say 'I played golf naked at midnight'. Call me crazy but I think that would be pretty cool.

  6. Being A PGA Golf Professional I would like to apply for the teaching position there! I normally start my women students with the irons and work them into the woods. It seems my Method of teaching might fit in well with this clubs policies :"))~

  7. San Diego used to have a nude golf league that played once or twice a month. We've all heard of tournaments sponsored by strip clubs where the ladies are more than willing to "do business" for tips.

    Personlly, I want to see if any of these Scandinavians play when it gets really cold. (could be embarrassing) :-D

    Come on Anon 7:40 - lighten up. Nudism isn't new. Admit it - you're secretly hoping the zesty Golf Girl sponsors a nude tournament.

  8. Anon at 7:40 complains about people HE CAN'T EVEN SEE playing golf in the nude.

    Anon at 7:40 needs to get laid.

    ~ NT, Class of '75

  9. What's the date today? Ah, yes. Oh.

  10. Oh... don't tell me this was an April Fools Day joke!?! I was just about to book a summer golf trip in Sweden. :o\

  11. Thanks, Patricia, for this post. Too bad some of your readers are little boys who can't respect the freedom of people who want to be nude in appropriate places. This is not about how a body looks, it's about the freedom to be free of clothes.

  12. Quoting Anonymous (Apr 1, 2011 04:40 AM): "btw - as i know you are a very attractive women, i'm guessing in her forties.."

    Obviously correct, as I know being we were in the same class. At least he got one thing correct.


Lets us know what you think...