

Bubba Watson in France & an Era of Big Personalities

June 30, 2011 - Photo by Stuart Franklin/Getty Images Europe

The biggest story in golf this weekend will probably end up being the one about Bubba Watson's behavior in France.

The fractious Floridian has assumed the mantel of golf's newest newsmaker... following in the footsteps of Tiger’s Knee and Lucas Glover’s Beard... because of a "rant" he launched upon missing the cut at the Alstom Open de France.

The remarks which began with his observations regarding the on-course ambiance in Paris, which is decidedly less structured than one typically finds at US events:
"It's not a normal tournament. There's cameras, there's phones, there's everything. There's no security. I don't know which holes to walk through. There's no ropes."
he then clarified, admitting: 
"I'm not used to that, I'm not saying it's bad. It's just something I'm not used to, I'm not comfortable with. It's very strange to me. Just very uncomfortable."
So, why did this become such a buzz-worthy, socially-shared, thoroughly reported... and re-reported... news story?  Probably because in addition to the fairly matter-of-fact comments above, Mr. Watson made a multitude of remarks that seemed almost totally scripted to reinforce/exaggerate his "unworldly, small town American good ol' boy persona":  he supposedly called the Eiffel Tower, "that big tower",  described the Château de Versailles as, "the castle we're staying next to" and dismissed the Arc de Triomphe as "this arch I drove round in a circle".  There were also reports of condescending behavior towards European fans and European Tour players.

The result was a virtual tsunami of Bubba Watson coverage.  A multitude of independent golf blogs picked up the story as did golf's most esteemed publications. Where it appeared, a lively debate generally ensued in the comments sections.  On Twitter, "Bubba Watson's French Misadventure" has inspired... and continues to inspire... a river of tweets from from a cross section of golf media types, tour players and fans.

At face value... particularly on Friday afternoon... this incident seemed to be a clear negative for the three time PGA Tour winner,  but with the passage of a few days, and with an apology that came via @bubbawatson on Twitter,  I'm not so sure about that.

Earlier this year, The Wall Street Journal's John Paul Newport wrote about the return of Big Personalities to professional golf, contrasting a generation of robopros with some of today's more visible and distinctive up-and-comers such as Rickie Fowler, Ian Poulter and... Bubba Watson. Ultimately he concludes that there may just appear to be "more characters in pro golf as a result of players' newfound awareness of the power of personal branding and their ability to express themselves through social media".

Oscar Wilde said "The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about" and that's  probably truer than ever in these days of audience fragmentation and short attention spans.  Given the fact that with a decent reputation management agent and an established social media presence one can control the fallout from an incident like l'affaire Bubba quite effectively and possibly even use it to enhance the brand.

And today's click-hungry media environment only makes such a strategy more effective.

At the 2007 Open de France

Editor's Note: When I attended the awesome Open de France a few years ago I was delighted surprised to find out that cameras, video recorders and cell phones were allowed all over the course throughout the tournament. I've got to admit it did cross my mind... as I discreetly took photos and shot video... that it had to be a bit distracting for the players. ~ At one point, as Colin Montgomery was leaving the green after a narrowly missed birdie putt, an amateur paparazzi got a bit too close and received an angry scowl and raised fist from surly Scotsman. Whoopsies.


  1. Absolutely. It definitely occurred to me that the "big tower" and "building that begins with an 'L'" lines were part of an act devised by Bubba/Bubba's team. I don't think they knew it would turn out like it did, but I bet they're just fine with it and I bet they end up spinning it into something positive.

  2. I wonder how many twitter followers he lost and how many he gained from this incident.

  3. Not surprisingly the discussion seemed to come down to a US vs Europe thing in the end, which is probably good from the standpoint of keeping some kind of rivalry in the mix.

  4. Just another example of a pampered PGA Tour pro showing just how out of touch he is with reality. Perhaps he should return the appearance fee that I am sure he received.

  5. He says he received no appearance fee - that it was something he did for his sponsor. Make of that what you will, but from what players on both sides of the Atlantic say, it seems that at the PGA Tour events the structure is built around keeping the players on a kind of pedestal, and the spectators at arms length whereas at the European it's not that way. Some guys like Rory grew up with the European system and prefer it, he thinks it's more fun. Others like Bubba just aren't used to it and are intimidated by it. I've never been to a European tournament but it sounds like they could be more fun.

  6. It will be interesting to see if there will much focus on Bubba as things gear up for the British Open. I can only guess there will be more than there would have been had the "France misadventure" not happened.

  7. One should keep in mind that Bubba's probably not watching Jeopardy.

  8. .

    well i guess he has assured media coverage if he makes it into the ryder cup scheduled in france

    ftliquordale soFLA


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