

Awesome Infographics - PGA Championship Visual Overview

Infographic by BlueClaw for Direct Golf UK
Before the final major of the PGA Tour's 2011 season is relegated to the golf history books, you'll want to have a look at the attached infographic, created for specialist golf retailer, Direct Golf UK by the creative folks at Blueclaw Media

If you read this blog you know about my obsession with infographics... and golf infographics in particular.  Professional golf is all about stories and statistics, so it lends itself perfectly to engaging data visualization.

Here, a brief history of the PGA Championship is presented in a graphical style that's fresh and whimsical. It includes some of the tournament's more remarkable players, venues and records, and takes us right up to Sunday's Keegan Bradley win. 

Next week the Fedex Cup playoffs begin, and I think we can look forward to seeing some more infographic creativity as the four event series unfolds.  

Here's the full sized version.


  1. Nice post !

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  2. I love it. Infographics are a great way for "spatial-visual" types (like me) to appreciate and enjoy some of the compelling statistics in golf.

  3. This is such a great way to promote the game. I wish they did this sort of thing to get more people out there and playing the game

  4. Nice, here's the Open Championship version.

  5. .

    having had siwanoy in bronxville as our high school golf course for maintenance monday play, i suppose that is about as "graphic" as one can get for the history of the PGA - no ?

    i attribute that to be pure and simple luck

    however, it is also my unending quest to find the PGA "replacement" trophy that mysteriously disappeared, once the original was re-located and put back into circulation

    as for "info" graphics, my sentiments are with korzybski that "a map is not the territory" but i guess it is a good place to start

    ftliquordale soFLA 33316

  6. This looks cool. I want to see more of it.


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