

An Unwelcome Interloper Leaves Golf Courses Waterlogged

Tunxis Plantation Golf Course in Farmington, CT  - - -  Photo:
The past couple of days have been picture perfect here in Connecticut;  temps in the high 70s... bright sunshine... low humidity.  Ideal weather for golf.  Except that many courses have been closed due to flooded fairways and waterlogged greens, remnants of the weekend visit of an unwelcome interloper by the name of  Irene.  The branches and debris she left in her wake have made numerous roads... and quite a few cart paths... impassible. Power outages remain widespread.

I know first-hand about the power problems as my home/office/etc has been without electricity since Sunday morning ... and word has it restoration may may not happen for several days.

So I've armed myself with patience and pragmatism, and found some innovative ways to work around the outage.  My posting here... and on the social networks... may be a bit less frequent for the time being as I generally do that in bed, late at night.  These days I'm actually sleeping at around midnight, which, it turns out isn't that bad at all.

Withing the next day or so I suspect most of our courses will reopen and I'm hoping to get a couple of rounds in before the end of Labor Day weekend.  I'm hoping the extra sleep will result in lower scores.  


  1. It's been bad here in NJ too. Geez. I've gotta try to channel some of your positivity.

  2. Power outages can lead to all kinds of fun! Candlelit board games and extra sleep and creativity in how do you make supper without a stove... It can be good. I'm glad to see that you are enjoying the positives!

  3. .

    well i guess people will learn the "casual water rule" and use the correct proceedures when playing

    wear running socks with cotton/acetate blend because pure cotton socks get soggy and heavy and squishy

    anyway the more lasting damage to the sod comes from the use of carts, which can dig the roots out and disfigure the grass

    we have DORAL for our hurricane preparedness course since it drains so well

    at DORAL, having hosted televised pro tour contests for many years, necessitated the need for the most effective storm drain turf management to meet specific TV time slots

    otherwise, head for higher ground like james baird or mohansic or mohonk in new paltz

    connecticut is really in a valley (so there goes the price of my cigars) with relatively few "high point" - no ?

    ftliquordale, soFLA

  4. Glad to see you are doing fine and are exercising a good deal of patience! :)

    Junior seems happy her cable is back.

  5. Come to Ohio?... It's nice and dry here.

  6. Hope power will be back soon.
    It's tyhoon season in Japan, too.
    (the diffence of typhoon & hurricane, just in case =>

    1st round of Fuji Sankei Classic tournament has just been cancelled due to typhoon.
    (Picture - sand flew out from banker =>


  7. Haha "casual water". I guess this is when we see how good the drainage is.

  8. Update: Electricity's back. It returned... in all it's glory... at 3:15 this morning re-Illuminating the TV and every light in the house. After four days, this somewhat rude awakening didn't bother us at all. ;o)

  9. . the TV and every light in the house...

    yeah, that's a rookie mistake

    unless you are category four certified, like most floridians including myself, you would have known to TURN OFF at the breaker switch anything with a compressor and turn off at the outlet everything else - leaving only a night-light type lamp plugged in - or else the surge in the immediate power consumption can create other problems (not to mention you might be standing in water when the power goes ON)

    plus a real floridian has a gas-powered generator for his blender

    be safe

    ftliqourdale soFLA

  10. ....After four days, this somewhat rude awakening didn't bother us at all.....

    oh yeah, have a shampoo that rinses out good in cold water

    ftliquordale soFLA

  11. I wonder how long it will be before these golf courses re-open? I guess if we start playing on these courses we better bring a few buckets of golf balls and some scuba gear.

    My heart goes out to you all I never experienced anything quite like that out here in Vancouver BC Canada.
    Be nice to see the power back on and these cities recovering form this storm.

  12. We got hit pretty hard down here in the Carolinas, but most everything is back to normal now that we have had some time to clean up the mess. Golf courses are open again and I'm looking forward to getting back into the swing of things, literally.


Lets us know what you think...