

On The Road to More Pars - A Golf Growing Crusade

If Christina Ricci has her way, The Road to More Pars will soon become increasingly well traveled.  You see, Christina is passionate about golf... and ultra-committed to seeing the game grow.  ~ To that end, the intrepid marketing executive from Boston, Massachusetts has developed a virtual media empire focused on bringing more players to the game... and making the game more enjoyable, satisfying and fun for all golfers.

Not that long ago Christina was a thirty handicap with a goal: to drop to a single digit handicap within five years. And she did just that, in fact she was down to a five within those five years. She's now a 3.2, and aiming for scratch.  At the same time, the long-legged brunette has committed herself to helping others to accomplish their golf goals.

Christina's Golf Survival Guides are unique among instructional golf books in that they're designed to be used on or off the course.  Spiral bound, sturdy and portable, the format is highly visual and easy to follow; presenting tips, drills, instruction and information with detailed illustrations and high quality photography.  A companion set of DVDs as well as an on-demand golf video and fitness library are also available on Christina's site.  In addition at the iTunes App Store you can find the survival guide for iPhone and iPad.  Then there's Miss Par, Christina's blog and a great place to go for news on the the latest golf fashion, golf gear and golf gossip.  But lets get back on the proverbial road, shall we?

Christina's latest venture... and her most awesomely ambitious yet: a golf travel/game/reality/adventure show, aimed at the sport’s most under-served demographic: the female golfer.

To get an idea of what you'll see On the Road to More Pars check out the website.  Then, watch the sizzle reel... and make sure you vote YES if you like the concept of this golf-growing show.   And by the way,  a nationwide search will get underway soon for seven cast members... Christina's Golfer Girl Roadies...  who'll live the adventure On The Road to More Pars.  Women of all ages and ability levels... golfers or aspiring golfers... are encouraged to start preparing an audition video.  Sample reels are on the site to inspire you.

Christina Ricci is a true golf evangelist and a brand-builder par excellence.  As golf industry executives and associations ponder future growth of the game Christina has taken the club by the shaft... so to speak... and launched a movement.

Check out  Christina's interview with me at Miss Par! 


  1. I'd definitely watch the show. What I really like is that it aims to portray a wide variety of ability levels and ages.

  2. I give Christina a lot of credit. What she's done clearly represents a massive amount of work and a substantial investment. I hope women (and men) will vote yes and so the network executives can see the value in the kind of show she's proposing.

  3. I LOVE the idea of The Road to More Pars! My 10 yr old daughter loves the game of golf and any exposure to the game is great.

  4. What a fun idea, it would be great to be able to see some how some of the "women friendly" courses out there actually play for real women. We don't get much of that on any show at this point, if any.

  5. The show looks great but I'm afraid it's going to be a hard sell to the networks. Women's golf just isn't a big enough audience.

  6. I tend to agree with Marc, it would be almost impossible to sell a show about a sport without having it appeal to men on some level.

    If the show focuses on the women's accompliahments and how they're lowering their scores, etc, it might have a chance to have success with the male demographic, I think it's going to be tough.

  7. I'm impressed that she dropped from a 30 to a 3!!! I'm definitely going to look for the survival guide on for my ipad.

  8. .

    i have seen her book and can caution this; the main cost will be hands that look like hers

    breasts and nails and hairdos along with complextion of hands are the hurdles all the women must face when approaching great golf

    i know we have covered this on various occasions - just sayin

    ftliquordale soFLA

  9. Wow, I had no idea she was a golfer! That's awesome and I would love to see The Road to More Pars; awesome!

  10. Frank, I'd gladly sacrifice my manicure for a lower handicap. Anyway I think Christine's hands look fine. So she doesn't have long nails... I csn't have them anyway because I've got an iPhone. Plus, my breasts aren't particularly big and my hair is short I should probably be a scratch golfer. Ha ha

  11. Christina, Miss Par, is GREAT for women's golf. She knows of what she speaks and shares her knowledge at any opportunity. I'm a fan and envious of that single digit handicap. Good luck to her, she can count on Sweet Spot Golf's support!

  12. .


    as long as you realize going in that some girlie-girl stuff will be sacrificed, i myself think its a very worthwile price to pay

    sometimes women set themselves up to too many competing goals

    being exposed to the womens competative golf team members of a nearby college down here, i can report these talented young jocks enjoy what they are accomplishing now - winning golf

    dainty they aint

    IMHO, they have their priorities straight

    they will only be young once, and more importantly they will establish early on, the basics of something they can enjoy over a lifetime

    there will always be acrylic - no ?

    ftliquordale soFLA 33316

  13. I hope that Christina will wear some of the Jan D golf jewelry next time .
    High End Hand made Sterling Silver Golf jewelry ,



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