

Global Golf - The Inaugural 2012 Iranian Amateur Open

A couple of days ago I received a message from Dylan Harris, an ultra-adventurous friend of mine who happens to run a travel company.

Based in the UK, Dylan is passionate about golf... and a number of the trips his company runs revolve around the game.  But these aren't your typical golf trips... because Lupine Travel specializes in unique destinations, the kind of places some might find... intimidating.

Earlier this year Dylan took a group to North Korea where they played in the North Korean Open.  A fun and fascinating time was had by all.  Now, the success of the North Korea tournament has inspired, Mr. Harris to plan for a new destination and a new golf event for 2012: The Inaugural 2012 Iranian Amateur Open.   Scheduled to take place at Tehran's Enghelab Golf Club over three days from the 14th to 16th  of April, and the event is open to all amateur golfers with an up-to-date verified handicap.

Here's the thing;  though there's currently only the one course in Iran, there's a well established Iranian Golf Federation and part of it's recently stated mission  is "... to popularize and develop golf among every walk of life..."  As such the game has seen a huge increase in popularity over the past several years, particularly among women, many of whom compete regularly on a local and regional level. 

So, I've wanted to visit Iran for years.  I fully understand that the relationship between US and Iranian governments is rocky... to say the least... but Lupine Travel is adept a managing travel in geopolitically sensitive areas, plus I've spoken to a number of Americans just back from Iran, and what I've heard from all has encouraged me to seriously consider taking this opportunity to be a part of the 2012 Iranian Amateur Open.  My intrepid twin sister Cat, is also hoping to make the trip.

We'll keep you posted as our plans develop.


  1. What's the dress code??

  2. I imagine the ladies need to be wearing a burka type garment or some type of scarf and full body covering tunic plus long pants underneath. I hope it's not too hot over there.

  3. just the hair, arms and legs need to be covered up, it's not as strict as places such as saudi arabia. also i believe the weather is quite mild in april.

  4. My thoughts are to build the concept of golf and it's attributes enact basic concepts of what a goodly society should be:
    Operate in a set rules system / constitution with little changes
    Courtesy to others
    Respect for the environment
    and others that come to mind about why golf is a desired sport throughout the world.

    I cannot travel; but, through FB, Twitter, Google+, etc. I have friends in all countries and I enjoy chatting with them.

    Yes, if my circumstances allowed, I would go to Iran for such a golf event.

  5. .

    golf in iraN ?

    why ?

    ftliquordale soFLA 33316

  6. Hey, I am so down for this, can’t wait!!! BTW Frank, if you have to ask you’d never understand anyway!

  7. As to why golf in Iran, I think playing golf is a great way to get beyond the "public perception" of a place/people/culture. Then there are the ancient ruins, the architectural marvels the awesome... food and really nice people (we know lots of Iranians) We've wanted to visit Iran for a while not and this just seems like a good time/occasion. ;)

  8. Frank, if you have to ask you’d never understand anyway!


    i've seen the movie MIDNIGHT EXPRESS



    ftlauderdale soFLA 33316

  9. From what I've heard, as long as you travel with an approved travel company you have nothing to worry about. It sounds like Dylan has gotten that approval so I think you'll be fine. As long as Cat doesn't decide to do some hiking on her own in the back country. ;)

  10. i haven't been to the golf course in iran (i would have if i'd known about it!) but i went to iran a couple of years ago and it's an amazing place, certainly my favourite in the region. the sites are incredible and with no swarms of tourists around! and the people are so lovely. the only issue was it took months to get my visa (i'm british). however, i did travel independently, i assume going with an agent will make the visa process much easier.

  11. .

    i guess i'm living in sin for too long

    the golfing crowd down here likes to take it all off, not cover it all up, and there is always plenty of alcohol

    my prurient peeps wouldn't make it in a place like iraN, especially without booze

    if i ever did NEED a drink, it would be in iraN

    but i do agree that any country that claims to be civilized MUST have a golf facility



    ftliquordale soFLA 33316

  12. i've seen the movie MIDNIGHT EXPRESS



    Do your homework dude, MIDNIGHT EXPRESS took place in Turkey! Persian don't swing that way ;P

  13. Boy would it get hot playing in Iran! It is always great to see golf expanding and it would be fascinating to visit Iran. It sounds like a really interesting trip.

  14. A fantastic initiative for the Iranians and Iranian women - it should be celebrated!

  15. ..

    Do your homework dude, MIDNIGHT EXPRESS took place in Turkey!


    see what i mean, i'm in trouble already

    i guess i just better stick to soFLA 33316



    ftliquordale soFLA 33316



Lets us know what you think...