

Golf Ball Carving - An Artful Way to Recycle Your Balls

This swirly mint-green orb would make a very unique statement hanging on the branches of your Christmas tree, wouldn't it?

You may at first think it's been carved from some kind of exotic stone... or perhaps shaped out of milky green jadite.

You wouldn't even be close.  This trinket is actually hand carved from the inner core of a golf ball. The mint green color is the color of the golf ball core and the delicate gold ring around the center of the sphere is painted on by hand.

Decorative carved golf balls are created by hobbyist woodcarvers who've discovered that the materials in the core of various brands of golf balls make an excellent carving medium. 

A selection of different styles and colors are available on Etsy at a shop called Sticks 'n Stones.  You'll also find them on Facebook where the styles are somewhat more whimsical.

And, if you have any kind of appreciation for homemade handcrafts, you're bound to like these balls.


  1. I can't believe that's made from a golf ball. The core is much prettier than the outside. ;)

  2. I don't reckon you'll get too far without the outside Ash. ;)

  3. Nice, very creative. See how golf applied in many ways... and this is one of those.

  4. That is so cool! Who would've ever guessed that a golf ball could be turned into such a beautiful ornament?!

  5. Thank you so much for the wonderful article! I'm so glad you enjoy our work!

  6. Carving a ball is one of those woodcarving crafts that fall into the realm of whittling. Whittling a ball is one of the simplest carving methods to master. Other than a whittling knife or a sharp pocket knife and a compass no tools are needed. Thanks.


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