

Introducing a Very Engaging Blog About... Golf Litigation?

If you're not a hardened golf geek... or an obsessed trial junkie... the subject may first glance seem extremely boring somewhat platitudinous; worthy of an occasional post perhaps, but not nearly enough to constitute an ongoing daily blog.

As it turns out, however, golf generates a prodigious amount of legal wrangling. More than any other amateur sport according Thomas H. Sawyer, author of Golf and the Law.  And it goes way beyond the errant balls and reckless swings that might first come to mind.

This is where Rob Harris comes in.  He's a Connecticut lawyer who advises business clients on ways to avoid or minimize the risks associated with litigation.  He's also a passionate golfer, and his new blog, Golf Dispute Resolution, features regular posts on interesting legal disputes that have a golf connection.  Categories like Injuries, Celebrities, Golf Equipment and Quirky & Unusual to name a few, reflect the remarkable variety of cases he covers. Stories are also search-able by state/country... so you can find out what kind of litigation is taking place on and around your local course.

Harris is an engaging story-teller who turns legalese into something lyrical... in short succinct posts.  In addition to his blog he animates lively discussions golf and the law on Linked In at the Golf Dispute Resolution Group, which is were I met him yesterday.

I'm quite sure that 2012 will bring many interesting stories on the intersection of golf and law, and Rob Harris is the perfect person to tell them.


  1. .

    happy new year patrica,

    and what a more interesting way to start 2012 than with golf related litigation as a topic

    as you may remember, i wear metal spikes legally at any course offering "public accomodation" courtesy of federal ADA regulations as severe monetary fines can be levied on those that attempt to reject me

    i also walk those same courses under the same legal theory, however my caddy and clubs ride the cart, which i gladly pay for

    i've even met john thompson here in miami, who although currently dis-bared, attempted to sue the USGA over a US Open set up some years ago

    yes indeed the fireworks will continue throughout 2012 on this topic



    ftliquordale soFLA 33316

  2. .

    actually this gives me the urge to re-post something from years ago - you can, or course, delete it if you want - but old grudges die hard and here is me and the esteemed author brad klein going at it over JACK thompson:

    Quote from: Brad Klein on June 23, 2004, 12:41:00 PM

    The newspaper is just giving this kook a free ad by running this article. By the way, there is no phone listing in Coral Gables (area code 305) for an attorney named Jack Thompson. Too bad.

    Quote from: Brad Klein on June 25, 2004, 03:20:02 PM
    This whole thing sure looks like extremism to me. Haven't we learned that zealotry and fanaticism bring down everyone in their wake? Anyone who really cares about defending the game of golf would run and hide from the tone of these broadsides. Mr. Thompson sounds to me like an ideologue, and I'm sorry (but not at all surprised) to see Tommy Naccarato taking up his cause as a p.r. flak. It's especially warming to see Tommy's reminder that we not engage in personal insults or character assassination (reply #107). I wonder how many posts that would that require him to rewrite if he took his own advice seriously?

    What's up with these two posts, Mr. Klein? Hardly journalism at is finest. Setting aside what your post says about your research skills, why mention that you tried to look up the guy's number, and that it was "too bad" that you couldnt find it?

    WHEREAS -i'm relieved to see i wasn't the only one smelling the stench of hypocracy from brother brad klein (see my posts here #17 and #117) - it's obvious he doesn't do his own research

    FURTHER - if only those critics with him in their ivory tower here would as avidly demand a explaining follow up statement from Marty Parkes of the USGA to his statement "obviously we weren't happy with the conditions of the golf course either" as they do of mr thompson - we would be getting somewhere here

    WHEREAS - mr thompson is really onto something here but it can only be flushed out with the USGA fully disclosing their side - it's obvious to me that they lied and i would like to know why - and then compare both sides of the discussion - right now all i heard from the USGA to date was "I DID NOT HAVE SEX WITH THAT WOMAN"

    ORDERED - so let's see what happens next

    FURTHERMORE - mr thompson is not the kook as brad klein thinks he is - he may come on to strong for some here - but when cooler heads prevail here - well - you'll see some progress on the topic

    REMEMBER - mr thompson was insulted here by brad klein and others before he posted - so i would have expected his hair to be up on the nape of his neck comming in here

    WHEREAS - tommy took a different approach - and came away with a different feeling of him - and then tommy was attacked as mr thompson's "PR" man

    further affiant saith naught




    ftliquordale soFLA 33316


  3. One of these days I want to read about the 2004 US Open... it took place before I had any interest in golf so was unaware of the controversy (or event the event) at that point but have since heard some things since. Was there ever a book written about it? I loved Massacre at Winged Foot. \(*-*)>


Lets us know what you think...