

Offer of Unlimited Sex Proves an Effective Golf Promotion

It was intended to be a prank, but the victim (in this case Gold Coast Country Club general manager Craig Baldwin) got the last laugh. 

In early December at the course outside of Brisbane, Australia, a creative prankster switched up some letters, turning a roadside billboard that announced Unlimited Golf Fees and a Golf Expo, into one offering Unlimited Sex.

Before long phone calls were coming  expressing shock, curiosity interest in the audacious offer. In the end, Mr. Baldwin seemed rather delighted with the results.


  1. Unlimited sex? That sounds even longer than tantric.

  2. .

    wanna play a round ?

    who needs golf ?

    (and i'm gonna leave out the jokes about the required equipment)

    while most would prefer quality over quantity, i suppose to some it's an offer worth pursuing

    i'll do a study and report back with my findings



    ftliquordale soFLA 33316

  3. Unlimited sex, even by mistake included in the membership price, works well to complement the game ! I am in ! :-)

    Best regards from Cheap Ladies Golf Clubs.

  4. It sounds like the Aussie course manager had a good laugh about it, whereas I'm guessing the prankster might have been arrested over here or at least sued, particularly if it had been anywhere near a school. Puritanism lives on. :\

  5. Well I guess that's one way to "grow" the game and add value to greens fees.


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