

Social Media Connections Facilitate Global Golf Tourism

Spain has so many beautiful coastal courses
The fact that social media has us all "so connected" can sometimes lead to...  awkwardness.  For example, the confidential DM that mistakenly goes out to everyone is actually fairly common, and the consequences can be... unpleasant, to say the least.  Or what about the "old flame" who suddenly finds you on Facebook and wants to become a "new flame".  That's another distressing possibility.

That being said, most would probably agree that such occasional vexations are a small price to pay for the benefits of an interconnected global network; a network that includes people from around the world who share your interests and enjoy exchanging ideas and information.   These days I find out what's new in golf - courses, resorts, equipment brands and apparel styles - almost exclusively through my golf contacts on social networks.  They share news of promotions and contests,  recommend (or warn against) golf products and offer golf tips. You've probably had similar experiences.

Back in dark ages... before the Facebooks and Twitters and such... this kind of info-exchange just didn't happen much, there was just no easy way for like-minded people to connect.  Particularly if you lived in a distant city or on a far-away continent.

...and so many fantastic golfers.
This came to mind recently when a friend told me she was thinking of taking an early summer trip to Spain... and hoped to play some golf while there... but didn't really know where to begin.  Not being a particularly adventurous type, she was vacillating, and asked me if I could recommend anything.  Now, I've never played golf in Spain and don't know much about the country's courses, but thanks to social media I know about a dozen people who have played in Spain... and who know first hand about Spanish courses.  I'd have no trouble deciding where to spend my time in Spain... and, in fact, I hope to make that trip some day myself.  As for my friend, at this point she "doesn't do social media", but I think I may have convinced her to give it a try.

Of course there are some great websites for planning golf holidays in Spain, but if you can get extra input from someone you know... all the better, right? You may even find a Spanish playing partner, and that's the amazing power of Social Media.


  1. The tech side of golf definitely helps. Problem is the growth of golf has been comatose in the past few years. This has been especially true with women down 23% and children by 36%. I think first clubs need to invite people in and then the technology will really take off.

  2. My husband does a lot of business with Spain and we were lucky enough to play at Valderrama last year. The course was beautiful and the people were so charming and friendly. And the food!!! Everywhere we went in Spain it was superb. I can't wait to go back.

  3. Hi Pat! u're lovey! another link to my blog, and another good perception about spanish golfers... u'must know that u're invited play in my country when u'want, muás! ;o)

    And Jennifer, the netx time, call me, please... i would show the North side of Spain ;o)


  4. It is amazing the kinds of connections that are now available to everyone because of the internet!

  5. .

    i would advise verifying the basics such as course architect and reports on conditioning from a source with skin in the game

    there is simply too many scams and annonymous or fictitious information that cannot be relied on at face value - so verify

    of course a first hand witness is still the best source however if you have an adventurous spirit and don't mind having bad advise ruin your entire trip, then by all means experiment

    i played three courses in montreal, le challenger and the north and south at isle de montreal (twice both sides) and knew NOTHING in advance and what a pleseant surprise indeed (playing in mid SEPT actually made the difference - mild cool weather and in between summer premiums (ending in AUG) and winter premiums beginning in OCT)

    nothing like finding an unexplored gem if you don't mind possibly getting stuck on a cow-pasture

    i myself like to go sight-unseen and take a chance

    i've had great times on one-time-round cow-pastures as well as the ritz-carlton tiburon type courses

    ftliquordale soFLA 33316


  6. Thanks to give these type of information thanks to share with us

  7. Hi Patricia,

    Linked your site off my post re AT&T Pro Am coming to Carmel/Pebble Beach this weekend. Hope all is great! The weather here is spectacular! Hope it holds for next week. All best!


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