

Golf Refugees: I Love These Guys & Their Multi-chromatic Balls

We've written about Golf Refugees numerous times over the past few years, which isn't surprising as they tend to come up with innovative, exciting products quite regularly. In addition, their unyielding commitment to environmental sustainability is remarkable... and "making golf greener" is something that anyone who loves the game should be thinking about.

The UK based indie eco golf brand produces an awesome, edgy collection carbon neutral organic cotton polos and t-shirts,  and recently introduced a gorgeous line of hand-dyed, striped polos that one can customize to create a beautiful, bespoke golf shirt.
Golf Refugees also produces the BinBag, my favorite golf accessory... ever.

It was their elegant black balls, however, that first caught my eye several years back, making me an instant fan, and now in the spirit of multi-chromatic awesomeness come spiral graphic golf balls.

"These are golf ball designs from Golf Refugees, I want these more than I want anything" 
That was the immediate response from one of their Facebook fans.  I second the emotion... and their awesome looks are the only things these kaleidoscopic orbs have going for them. According to the ball's designer, the line that's created where the clockwise spiral on one side meets the counter-clockwise spiral on the other, serves as a natural alignment aid. How cool is that?  I'm guessing these balls would be easier to find than less brilliant balls... and I'm hoping the double spiral design may just have a hypnotic effect that'll help me get "into the zone" when I'm standing over it.

Visit Golf Refugees' Facebook page and let them know which of the color combinations you like best.


  1. These balls are fantastic! Let us know when/where we can order them.

  2. Bubba might want to play with one of the pink ones. ;)

  3. Big thanks to Golf Girl. We share 'golf' love across the pond.

    Our 'spiral ball' designer was influenced by celebrated British 60's artist Bridget Riley. Known for her distinctive, black and white optically vibrant drawings called 'Opt Art'.

    I wonder if any of those 'well known' tour players contracted to the plain white golf secretly wish they could play with the highly visible Golf Refugees 'spiral ball'?


Lets us know what you think...