

Tiger Hangout & New Book Set Stage for Upcoming US Open

Tiger Woods via
Hard as it may to believe, Memorial Day has passed and the 2012 U.S. Open is just around the corner.

The Olympic Club in San Francisco will challenge the world's best golfers from June 14th through 17th, and in anticipation there are a number of happenings that will help to set the stage for fans.
Hangout With Tiger Woods - The iconic champion will be answering questions from fans, live tomorrow in the first ever Google+ Hangout with a professional golfer.

Topics will include the upcoming US Open among other things.  Find out more  at G+ and at
The Longest Shot - It's a new book by top golf blogger Neil Sagebiel.  And it's a book with an major connection to the US Open and the Olympic Golf Club. 
I'll be writing more about these and other pre-US Open events a bit later today.  Right now I've got to catch up after a particularly busy (and rather awesome) Memorial Day Weekend


  1. When is this happening? I want to watch >.<

  2. I just watched it on youtube (you can see it here Alice Not particularly revealing, no surprise there, but it is more Tiger than the average Joe normally gets to see, and the average Joe definitely wants to see more Tiger. In terms of communications I'd say it was a success - in relative terms.


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