

Golf Pin of the Week - Little Golfer Bento Box

Pinterest, the highly addictive... and endlessly inspiring... content sharing service is a great way to find unique, imaginative ideas... on just about anything. So much so, that we're going to start doing a "golf pin of the week" post to share some of the golf-oriented ideas... images, stories, tutorials... we've been pinning.

Basically, we're going to choose the kind of things you may have missed;  always golf-oriented, but also transcendant an eclectic mix of interesting, creative, fun stuff.  Stuff like the this lunchbox that comes from a wonderful food-health-mom-lifestyle blog called...

I found it on Pinterest via prolific pinner, Janis C who has it on her Cool KIDZ Stuff board.  The story behind this golf themed bento box involves a five-year-old with a precocious passion for the game.  It's well-told, well illustrated and inspiring and I'm quite sure I would never have found it if not for Pinterest.  That's why it's our Golf Pin of the Week.


  1. Looks like the kind of lunch I'd like to have someone make for me... and I'm no kid. ;)

  2. The cupcake is amazing but I hope my brood never expects lunches like that. I generally send my kids off with lunch money ;/

  3. I've discovered some great golf outfits on Pinterest, love the visual aspect of that site.


Lets us know what you think...