

The Evian Resort Golf Club Course: A Quick Look At The Transformation

While the stunning Alpine backdrop remains unchanged, a slew of "substantial changes" have taken place to the fairways and greens... and bunkers and lakes... of the Evian Resort Golf Club Course.

Work started a year ago and continued through Spring to ensure that the much-loved course would meet major championship standards. That meant changes to all 18 holes with some rebuilt entirely. The video below is your ultra-condensed version of the 9 month construction project.


  1. Now that it's a major, US audiences will finally be able to see a bit more of that beautiful venue... and those talented ladies.

  2. WHO is/was the renovating architect(s) ?


  3. It's a shame that the weather was so bad. I know the course is beautiful but the spectacular vistas and sweeping lake views were muted by the dark skies and constant drizzle. September can go either way in the Alps, lets hope it's the opposite next year.

    Frank, Florida-based golf course architect Steve Smyers collaborated with European Golf Design on the renovation according to NYT.


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