

A Challenge in China: Of Golf Balls and Chopsticks With the European Tour

The object of the Chopstick Challenge is quite simple: see how many golf balls you can pick up in 60 seconds... using chopsticks.  Which from the looks of this European Tour video isn't all that easy.

The event took place last week during the Euro tour's yearly China swing and features a diverse array of global golf stars. Not surprisingly Chinese golfer Liang Wen-Chong seems singularly skilled in this particular discipline.

I'm thinking it might be fun to hold a Chopstick Challenge at our house a couple of weeks from now, at Thanksgiving, when we have all those unruly relatives over. By the time the turkey dinner is done we're always in need of some animation... and the golf ball water globe was destroyed at last year's celebration after copious amounts were consumed.


  1. I loved it! Chopsticks and golf ball! I love to have stay and play golf packages because it is more convenient.

  2. I think we have the same relatives Patrica. :-/ They're coming to my house for Christmas so this challenge may come in handy. I'll probably paint the golf balls gold.

  3. I'll bring some chopsticks next time we go to the range haha...


Lets us know what you think...