I hate it when people say that.
But it is beautiful here in CT today, and the weekend was spectacular. One of those perfect New England weekends that seems to define Autumn here in the north east. The fantasy version of Fall that we all anticipate during the last humid, sultry days of summer. It's also what we remember through the dank gray, endless days of winter and spring.
We started the weekend on Friday right after work. Played nine holes at Sunset Hill, among the crimson leaves and nut-gathering squirrels. No, we didn't play too well, yes we lost lots of balls, but still, it was a great way to begin the weekend. I caught a bit of Samsung coverage in the early evening before going out. Awesome golf and some cute outfits.
Saturday was a sparkling day - we played another beautiful, albeit mediocre, round at Sunset, then went to the driving range in hopes of correcting our decidedly messed up swings. Nick managed to get his back on track (which is good as he's playing in a tournament at Lake of Isles today) mine continued to be weird and ineffective. No idea why, but I'm trying not to stress out about it. That night we went to the Hafli an annual Middle Eastern Party in our town, and it was Jordy's birthday so we consumed copious amounts of alcohol.
Sunday, Nick left early for Foxwoods and Lake of Isles. Guess he wanted to get in as much practice as possible before the tournament. I watched Samsung, took Tylenol and ultimately went back to the driving range. My swing was still off. Hmmm. Watched some more Samsung. Envied the swings and the putting and the outfits. Well, at least one of the three can be purchased. So guess what? I'm planning on getting some new golf clothes.
Look forward to seeing these new outfits. I know this was written a while ago but never to late to share!!