
Sexy Messages on Golf Balls Get Teacher in Trouble

Yes, you read it right, and the story is even more bizarre than the title indicates, because after the pervy PE teacher penned his provocative prose on 40 golf balls, he threw them to the bottom of a swimming pool, then then directed his jr. high school students to dive in and collect the balls, read out the questions on the balls they found, and provide answers for them. Mm-Hm. Apparently the lesson plan was conceived to get the aquaphobic kids "interested in the water".

The 32 year old teacher has since resigned. No word on what became of the lewd and lascivious golf balls though.


  1. That's crazy! Is there no end to what pervy guys will do???

  2. Might have mentioned that this took place in Japan, not the US - not that it makes anything right, but it's interesting that in Japan, the disgrace and embarrassment this guy faces is enough over there. Here, there would be multiple law suits filed by money hungry parents who see an easy buck (egged on by lawyers who should not have licenses) against...not the teacher, but the school and the county, and whoever they thought would pay out. (in this country, some idiot lawyer would probably sue the golf ball company).

  3. Gives new meaning to the phrase "Don't go near the water". The kids are more aquaphobic than ever now.

  4. OMG, I can totally imagine my former gym teacher doing something like that. And he's still teaching!

  5. i just love to read the rants of lawyer haters.

  6. This is kind of crazy. He should not be allowed to teach again..


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