

Golf Girl's Avatar Idol Competition - Enter to Win!

I love my Avatar. She's ultra cute and she has a pet monkey.

When I noticed that a couple of my golfblogger friends had their own adorable Avatars, I felt a contest coming on. An Avatar Idol contest!

This attractive Avatar with black hair and a pink golf cap was created by
Pink Diva who happens to be a talented designer of golf apparel and accessories.

And this blonde Avatar in the stylish bucket hat, with the puppies frolicking in the background, was created by 17Fairway, an engaging raconteuse who blogs about life in an awesome Florida golf community.

OK. The contest is simple. Create a golf Avatar and send it to me via email at I'll post them and we'll vote. The winner will receive an awesome prize package of new Golf Girl merchandise. You can use Yahoo! Avatars like we did, or any other program you want, I've listed a few below, or if you're really creative you can use a paint program to create one from scratch. We'll judge the Avatars based on cuteness, originality and golf skills. Extra points will be given to the Avatars who look the most like their creators.

We'll vote on the winner at the end of May so get working on yours and send it in.

Oh, and this contest is for guys as well as girls, in fact, the handsome Avatar below was created by a prominent guy golf blogger. Can you guess who it is?

Avatar makers: Dollz ---- Dopple Me --- Simpsons Avatar ---- Pimp my Doll ---- Shrink Pictures ---- Avatar Cpature ---- Zwinky


  1. avatar competition? are you kidding? is this a post that was suggested by the mindless media machine that is now guiding you?

    the cigar post was great - now that was the old classic GG all the way!!!

    ps - show us your tits!!

  2. Just sent you one I did on dopple me. It came out soooo funny. I hope you do a prize for funniest.

  3. So cute! :-) Cartoon dolls are a hobby of mine anyways, so I'll have to send in one or two, for sure.

  4. I'm doing mine with photoshop. Photo icons are OK, aren't they?

  5. Did you receive my Avatar by email?

  6. can i enter an x-rated avatar?

  7. Wow I've been getting some hot looking Avatars!

    Lisa - I am going to do a funniest prize and yours is right up there.

    Rebecca - Love your dolls, cant wait to see your golfy one.

    Anon 10:48 - Photo icons are fine.

    Don - I got him and he's hot..,in a slightly edgy way. :o)

    Anon 8:45 - Depends on what you consider X-rated. As long as it's shows creativity and thought and is not offensive or unappealing, sure. (If it's just blatant porno it probably won't fly).

    BTW, Anon 4:45 - The mindless media machine that guides me would probably hate this competition. This was my idea entirely. Thanks for the kind words regarding the cigar post.

  8. I just did mine with Zwinky. It came out sooo cute. Oh BTW, that guy avatar? He's Hot.

  9. Nobody ever looks as good as their Avatar in real I life. I know that from experience. ;-I

  10. Pretty Lady, I have a couple of questions about my Avatar. What does your “in a slightly edgy way” mean, and how is your “:o” translated into English?

  11. The monkey makes it for me:)


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