

Much Maligned Mr. Garcia Wins the Players and Praise

Let's face it, in recent years, many golf journalists... and quite a few golf bloggers... have made Sergio bashing something of a cottage industry. And the sultry Spaniard has often made their job easy. His erratic putting, combined with a tempestuous attitude, and frequent outbursts of offensive behavior, have assured him the spot of golf villain over the past couple of years.

Well, it looks like heir apparent Rory Sabatini, is going to have to step into that role on a full time basis now. Because Sergio is no longer available. With his win at Sawgrass yesterday he effectively walked out on the villain job.

Not only is has his putting been transformed, but his demeanor suddenly seems mature...wise, even. His legendary whiny arrogance, has been replaced by charming self-effacing humor. El Niño does not seem like a kid any more. In fact, at the post tournament press conference he admitted that though he "played like a kid again" this year at Sawgrass, he often "felt like an old man".

Of course, along with Sergio's own attitudinal change and his painstakingly regained putting prowess, has come a corresponding wave of warmth from the very journalists and bloggers who not long ago loved to hate him. Last night on the Golf Channel's Live from the Players, the crew was practically gushing. From the spit gate incident to the surly British Open excuse-making-blame-game, it's all been forgiven and forgotten. Everyone seems to be rejoicing in Sergio's breakthrough win. And that's understandable because most golf writers, despite appearances to the contrary, really wanted Sergio to emerge from his winless purgatory and live up to his amazing potential. And now, it seems he has, and like parents whose child has come through a tough adolescence, we're all proud of him and just hoping he stays on track.

* Photo, AFP


  1. Once a spoiled brat - Always a spoiled brat. How much you want to bet Sergio will be back to his old ways before the summer's over?

  2. Altho not much of a Sergio Garcia fan, I do admit, as your well-written article describes, he rose to the challenge in an uncharacteristic self-effacing way (& looked great doing it!). Almost endearing..almost..I'm holding my vote out, too, until the summer's end. But I'll admit, this could be the start of something welcome for Sergio fans.

  3. Good for Garcia. He earned it.

    Don't let the detractors say Garcia won only because Woods wasn't there. Woods doesn't like the course. He's won there just once, low by his standards, and gives the impression he plays at Sawgrass as his rare concession to the Tour suits.

    I hope Sergio's on his game for the US Open.

  4. I love the analogy about the parents and their turbulent teen... who turns out OK in the end. Very apt.

  5. Congrats to Sergio Garcia! Makes me wish I had cable TV *sigh*

  6. Sergio played better in the end Paul Goydos would have been the better story. I wish he would have gotten it. :(

  7. sergio won because he is an amazing ball striker - he practically gave the tournament to goydos many times because he consistantly missed putts he needed to make. his putting woes are far from over - he made the seven footer on 18 to tie but missed the birdie putt on 17 on sunday and 3 putted 17 on saturday - it will be interesting to see if he can use this win to help solve what continues to be his greatest (perhaps his only) weakness - putting.

  8. Congrats Sergio ¡¡¡
    I´m very happy for him, he need this win to recover his confidence. His a great ball striker but his putt.... (no comments)

    Spanish power¡¡¡
    A por ellos en el US Open¡¡¡

  9. His putting's been transformed?? Check again! Although he was 1st in ball-striking, and first in GIR, he was tied for 39th (out of 74) in putting on GIR! That is hardly an indication of putting prowess!

    I am, however, very happy to see him win a big event. I happen to be drawn to the big, colorful, even politically incorrect characters of the game. They bring more life to a professional group that has become too cookie-cutter for me. From Walter Hagen, to Sam Snead, to Jimmy Demaret-- to Fuzzy Zoeller, Lee Trevino and Arnold Palmer-- these were men who had big personalities that occasionaly crossed the line, but the game would never have been the same without them.

    The 4th estate's positive response to Sergio since this win simple re-instills my belief that they (the press) are just a fickle group of celebrity hounds. It's for that very same reason that they treat Tiger differently. Remember the cursing incident after a camera went of in his back swing (he threatened to break his neck)-- probably not, because the press gave it so little coverage-- they know better than to bite the hand that feeds them.

    Anyway, enough ranting from this old guy! Congrats to Sergio and I hope he can keep up the streak. We'll need some competition for Tiger when he gets back from knee surgery.

    Also, congrats, to you, GG! As always, I love that thing you do!!

  10. Sergio is a true girlyman and a dickhead. He will win occasionally but this spoiled little crybaby will never reach the heights of the greats of the game. He will most likely be a Ryder Cup footnote like his idiot compatriot - Monty - who I for one will NEVER be nice to.

  11. Sergio is a lot cuter than Monty, Mr. Anon 6:45.

    We'll see what he does in the future.

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