

Another Reason to Take Up Golf: Both Sexes Find Golfers Attractive

Attractive Golfers?                 photo credit: sezidesign via photopin cc
As any golf evangelist will tell you, there are myriad reasons to take up the sport: the social aspect, the outdoors-in-nature aspect and the fact that golf is a game one can play for a lifetime, are three that come up frequently. And there are tons of others - a google search brings up more lists of "reasons to play golf" than you can swing a seven iron at.

However, there's one incentive that didn't appear on any of the lists I looked at, and I'm guessing it's one that might be particularly attractive to that prized 18-25 year-old demographic: new evidence has emerged that indicates both males and females find golfers "attractive".

Okay, it's probably not something the scientific community would agree on... these findings are actually rather anecdotal in nature... in fact, they're based on a Twitter hashtag.

#5ThingsIFindAttractive was trending yesterday and playing golf was listed quite regularly as an attractive attribute by the youthful Twitterers who used it.  Make of this what you will, but I'm thinking it might reflect a new way of thinking about the game... and those who play it.

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Read more funny/cute/touching tweets after the jump

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  1. #5ThingsIFindAttractive Plays golf, helps me with my swing, lets me win, takes me to tournaments... and is really, really cute.

  2. A tad bit demanding Lisa, don't you think? ;) A girl who plays golf is definitely something I find attractive.

  3. Golf pants? Now i've heard everything.

  4. Golf pants can be attractive MM, if the right person's wearing them. ;)

  5. Well dressed women on the golf course are very sexy. Especially if they colour co-ordinate their clothing with their golf bag.

  6. with the loss of the formal "country club" went one of the main stages to matchmakers....whereby families with like interests, similar religions and most importantly, UPwardly mobile financial status could shepard their off-spring to the "club" to mingle together without any fear of diminishing the gene pool (or the eventual estate)

    subsequently, the remnants of "country club" life survived only among retirees as an effective way for the widowed spouse to find someone quickly given their advanced age and narrowed pool of surviving contestants

    to join a "country club" in the first place, one had to have means, or access to resources, and had to endure a vetting process, and ultimately had to have at least some leisure time available.......perfect when looking for a significant other - no ?

    today, romance is HOOK UPS and NON-commitments and cybersex whereas both parties need not be in attendance or even in close proximity to each other to claim a "relationship", so the only remaining illustrations of country club romance are found in P G WODEHOUSE stories as related by "the oldest member"



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