

A Tenuous Time for the Twinkie: Iconic Golf Snack May Soon Be Extinct

The Iconic Twinkie                           Photo: ©Golf Girl Media
First it was bankruptcy, the came a bakery workers strike.  Now it looks like Hostess Brands may liquidate entirely, and that could mean the demise one of our favorite on-course snacks.

I'm referring to the Twinkie of course, the sugary golden sponge cake with its creamy white filling. ~ Twinkies have been around since the 1930s and reached their popularity peak in the 60s and 70s.  As time went on however, customers migrated to "healthier" options which, according to some would include just about any food product on the planet.  Yes, the fact is, by the time the 21st century got underway the Twinkie had become the poster child  poster snack cake for unhealthy confectionary.

That said, the whimsical treat had... and still has... legions of loyal fans, and I must admit, I'm one of them.  A few years ago I even made a video how the occasional Twinkie might enhance a round of golf.


 With such uncertainty looming over the Twinkie's fate, I've got tentative plans to spend some time this weekend scanning supermarket shelves for remaining inventory. Twinkies supposedly stay fresh for decades so even if the unthinkable happens and Hostess does liquidate I figure I'll be good for a while.

A decision is expected tomorrow, and as you can imagine, we're hoping for the best.

Update: It seems the unthinkable HAS happened.  Hostess Brands is Closed.


  1. I never much liked Twinkies, but I'll still miss the little buggers.

  2. Unfortunately Hostess failed to innovate. Their products and their marketing remained as they were in the 60s while the rest of the world moved on. For the past decade it seemed they were relying purely on the power of nostalgia for sales. Not a sustainable strategy.

  3. You're not the only one hoarding Twinkies Golf Girl. It's happening all over the place.

  4. It's not only Twinkies folks, Sno Balls, Wonder Bread and, my own personal favorite, Ho Ho’s, will also be going the way of the dinosaur. It's a sad day for junk food junkies.

  5. I liked the creamy filling but not the cake so I used to slice it down the middle, scoop out the filling and disgard that awful tasting sponge cake. (still can't believe all those ingredients!)

  6. the only thing that keeps these things alive is the cost to produce is so low, maybe twelve cents in the case of twinkie, plus the name is kinda cute - twinkie

    hostess brands will be consumed by a large food conglomerate specializing in junk foods and maybe the chinese and or india markets are a potential bonanza

    DID YOU KNOW ants won't eat twinkies ?

  7. I think I need to change my Golf Snacks.Lol!

  8. And don't forget, they're also great for the course because they're light! Not much added weight in the bag with these things.


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