The other day this question came to me from one of my readers who, as the board member in charge of his club's dress code policy, obviously had a cargo shorts controversy on his hands.
So, are cargo shorts really controversial? On many U.S. golf courses, it seems they are. In researching the issue I found numerous references to the ample, multi-pocketed pants in country club dress codes from across the nation.
Generally, at many of these private playgrounds, cargo shorts appear to to be on a par with ...say...spandex leggings or draw string warm up pants.
"Tank tops, tee shirts, fishnet tops, cut-offs, cargo shorts, blue jeans, bathing suits, tennis, boating or exercise shorts and other athletic shorts are not permitted". That's the way the men's dress code rules at gorgeous Island Country Club of Marco Island, Florida puts it. Many private clubs were equally categorical in their rejection of any pant with the word cargo in it's name. Others however, seemed a bit more flexible, rejecting only, "Cargo shorts that are baggy, or with exaggerated pockets..." but wait a minute, are all cargo pants baggy with big pockets? Well the Under Armour Birdie Cargo Shorts are, and the Ralph Loren Classic Cargos are pretty ample as well, but surprisingly (to me) Izod's Golf XFG Zip Cargo Shorts are quite sleek as are Nike's Classic Cargos.
And therein probably lies the problem. Though we all certainly have an image in our mind when we think of "cargo shorts", in fact, they can actually be anything from sleek Bermuda shorts with a discreet extra pocket or two, to voluminous mid-calf clown pants with a multitude of huge, superfluous pockets.
I snapped the photo above yesterday at Candlewood Valley Country Club, a high end public golf course. As at many such courses, their dress code is simply stated as "traditional golf attire". Well, I don't know about traditional, but these guys were unconditional cargo fans...and told me they'd definitely think twice about playing where they weren't permitted.
So, what do you think of the cargo conundrum?
UPDATE: Over the weekend a couple of GGD readers, golf bloggers Cameron Davidson and Scot Duke were doing a film shoot at the 500 Club in Phoenix AZ and witnessed the scene below. Cameron snapped a photo and sent me the evidence: Apparently cargo shorts are alive and well...and appreciated by quite a number of golfers.

I'm pro cargo shorts. As long as they're not too baggy around the waist. Look, cargo pockets are perfect for golf balls, tees, divot tools, glove, etc..
ReplyDeletePersonally, I hate putting these items in my front top? pockets, very uncomfortable for me.
I think it does depend on the actual short, wearer, and venue. These look very sloppy at times but sometimes a guy can really pull them off nicely.
ReplyDeletei think golf needs to get past some of these social class issues.
ReplyDeletei herd a responce to the recent daily situation (no shirt, no shoes) the person could not figure out which was worse. no shirt or the jeans. i guess i am just not country club matierial.
Not a fan of cargo shorts on the golf course but I'm willing to compromise. Cargos are okay as long as you don't look like you're wearing capri pants. The guy on the right is okay (just barely). But, his tubby little friend on the left needs to change.
ReplyDeleteAh, yes mattc1170 - we call those "shants" - the male version of the capri - not really shorts and not really pants.
ReplyDeleteI used to be a club pro and was very concerned about nice-looking golf apparel. Now, not so much. If you can really play, you can get away with looking a little slobby. By the same token, if you dress sharp but shoot a million, it's an eye-roller. I think your apparel should fit your game: sharp for sharp and sloppy for sloppy. Unless you want to do the opposite and hope people appreciate the irony.
ReplyDeleteIn this economy many courses are struggling with declining daily fee numbers. They're not in a position to reject cargo shorts or other attire for that matter.Many courses break even or lose money on members depending on how many rounds they play. The daily fee players are almost pure profit.
ReplyDeleteSo much of the traditional sports apparel has disappeared. Look at the evolution of our tennis outfits..anyone remember the all white, classic look? I think the Williams Sisters put that look to rest permanently! But I must say, I am a fan of looking neat. As long as the pants don't give too much of the 'clown' effect and rest no lower than the hip bone, I can tolerate it. I better - that's a favorite style of my twelve year old grandson!
ReplyDelete~Nikki @17fairway
In general I like cargo shorts on men. I can see why they do not fit into traditional golf wear however--they give a different impression than, for lack of a better word, I will use "country club."
ReplyDeleteHowever, from a global perspective, the problem I see with Cargos is some men who are wearing them, if they are extrme baggy, or many multiple pockets--and are getting past say age 40 or so--are just screaming middle age crisis.
From a person who is not a big golfer my opinion probably does not matter so much--I do think golf has a little bit too stuffy of a look--but I also like it--and can see why you would not want to semi-punk it with cargos.
Hows that for a wishy washy opinion?
OUCH! Where should I start...guy on the left, sloppy not cool, guy on the right umm well whatever...okay so if you watch my second episode of OddBlast.TV Reality Golf Road to the Tour! You will see I am in Cargo Shorts! OUCH! Now mind you I was on the driving range and putting green. I also had a view of an untucked 'POLO' and another view of a tucked in 'POLO'. Clean attire is necessary for golf. While practicing....that is open for discussion.
PS. Do you normally sneak out around golf courses? I should be more watchful!
I am OK with cargo pants as long as they are golf style cargos. Nike's Classic Cargos and the Izod you mentioned are OK. From a country club dress code perspective, baggy, wrinkled slacker cargo's have no place. They are BANNED at Fairwood G&CC. As for giant pockets being necessary...what does one need in one's pocket while golfing? Half a dozen tees, a green repair tool, and maybe a ball (if you are riding a cart). Come on, we are not going camping, we are golfing. Golfgirl, you are spot on.
ReplyDeleteI think that at most public courses these days they have to accept most types of clothing. Where I play they say collared shirts and no denim but I've seen denim and ladies wearing tank tops on a number of occasions.
ReplyDeleteAt private clubs they're probably stricter,
Cargo shorts seem to be more of a style for younger guys, but I have worn casual cargo shorts to play at a golf course out in the sticks where even jeans are welcome.
ReplyDeleteI don't really have a problem with country clubs and high end public or semi-private courses banning them because, as your picture shows, they tend to look like they haven't been washed in a month and have never been pressed. I have more of a problem with the big guy's sloppy flannel shirt.
Juniors playing together during the week or late on a weekend ? Have at it. But if you are going to play a nice golf course in a tournament or during prime time - clean up your act a little bit. You want older people to respect you, show a little respect to them.
Then again, cargo pants are the perfect companion to a pair of GOLF CROCS...right GG ? :-)
At my golf club, the Ladies Association has a strict dress code and yet, the men are allowed to wear anything, including jeans & cargo shorts. I'm not a big fan of either. I think you should dress appropriately for whatever sport you're partaking in. But, I digress. In this day & age, it seems almost anything goes... anywhere.
ReplyDeleteAs has been said before... it all depends on the neatness of the look.
I like 5-11 Tactical Shorts - they aren't as baggy as those things you showed.
ReplyDeleteoh great - now Snooty Primadona has me wondering what the women WANT to wear at her club if she's miffed at the men wearing shorts and jeans. This could be very interesting ! :-)
ReplyDeleteVery interesting. Good to see you bring these points up and to see there are some civil minded people following it.
ReplyDeletePersonally, if I was behind those two guys all day I would ask for double the green fee back. Maybe the course would catch on to who is paying their bills. I am sure it is not those two guys.
I am a traditionalist. While I own a pair of cargo pants, I wouldn't be caught dead wearing them golfing. That said, I have been known to show up in a pair of Payne Stewart knickers or the wildest pair of golf pants (think of Rodney Dangerfield in Caddy Shack attire) that the course would allow. Other posts have made great points, but for me, part of the game is the style - and that style does not include cargo anything.
ReplyDeleteTed aka "myFitnessCaddy"
Very tough call, I tend to lean toward them not being acceptable. There are traditions, but sometimes traditions are not good things.
ReplyDeleteCargo pant are inappropriate for a private club. They are tolerated at my club. I always tell any new guests that they are not allowed so I don't have to see them in my foursome.
ReplyDeleteAside from that I wear cargo shorts myself casually at the beach or hanging out around the house.
I think it depends on where exactly you are playing. My list of tracks varies from private country clubs to the small public down the street. I know what is the the norm at each of them, and respect the wishes of the course.
ReplyDeleteFor instance ... sometimes I want to just play a practice round in the evening after work. I will go to a public with no real dress code, and play in work clothes. Most other times ... I am a conservative "classic" golf attire kind of guy.
As long as John Daly is not playing topless ... I'm OK with casual.
Private clubs should be able to enforce dress codes any way they see fit.
.... and I do not own "cargo pants", so ban them if you want!!
ReplyDeletegreat post gg. i have a few comments about the comments:
ReplyDeletetom: play dyker heights- you won't find any country club-ers on that track.
mattc1170: thin guy is ok but tubby is not? so what are you saying? do you want a big goon to sit in front of your club like a studio 54 bouncer and decide who is in and who is out?
cody the ex club pro: your comment is really dumb. is your IQ under 70? if so ok, if not go get your head examined.
ladylake: you are right, "the times they are a-chang'in" and you are one hot look'in grandma! you are a "GILF", let's party!!!!
becky c.: anything you say is ok with me. you are my favorite lesbian blogger - goddamn you are hot!!!
cameron - oddblast: you should change your blogger name to "oddball"
steve's sales tips: do you hang out w/ mr. biz golf. if not you two knuckleheads really need to hook up.
courtgolf: wow jeans are welcome on golf courses in the "sticks"? wow! jeans? how radical.
snotty primadona: i just can't believe that someone would actually name themselves "snotty primadona" and then even include a pix - wow, i can just imagine you sitting on your ladies association committee judging others who are just not up to your lofty standards...wow...wow...wow...
barry: cool, dude, cool!
mr. biz golf: as usual, you win the prize for the most pompous, ridiculous comment in this string... keep up the good work, jerky
additional comments about the comments:
ReplyDeleteted: is anyone willing to play with you? anywhere?
reggie: love your pix. do you dress like pee wee herman on the golf course?
speeycat hollydale: who do you think has bigger man-boobs: john daly or philly of mickelflop?
Thanks for all the comments. Dress codes are quite a provocative issue and I do believe this controversy will increase in the next few years as clubs and courses grapple with dwindling rounds and attracting and retaining new golfers.
ReplyDeleteIn researching this story I can up with all sorts of other interesting dress code dilemmas. I'll be writing about some of them in coming weeks.
Cargo shorts are the perfect golfing shorts, especially if you are walking. But they can get sloppy as they get old.
ReplyDeleteI was involved in "CargoGate" at my inlaws club in Westchester County NY.
I wore shorts that had an almost hidden cargo pocket and the pro pulled my father-in-law aside and asked him to tell me not to wear them any more. So this story then got passed around at the club and family so much that is became funny and thus got the name "CargoGate"
Well, I was wearing cargo pants exclusively last year, when I had a bit more cargo. And they were the worst kind, below the knee, and very roomy-- Old Navy 18.88.
ReplyDeleteHaving lost 60 pounds walking the course this year, I can't wear those anymore- thank goodness. I am mostly wearing regular bermuda pants, but I do have one pair of cargos I am wearing, but it is above the knee, proper fitting, and could not be considered baggy. I don't really find a problem with these Dockers but if I was asked at my club to stop wearing them, it wouldn't bother me a wit-- I do think that a nice pair of golfing shorts looks much better.
That update picture hurts my eyes, Patricia!! Ouch!!~Nikki @17fairway
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't say it's the 'cargo shorts' that are sloppy. It's the guys who decide to pair oversized cargo shorts with an untucked XXXL shirt, a can of bud and a huge cigar that make your course look like a goat track.
ReplyDeleteI have a few pairs of cargo shorts that I like to wear when I play the local munis. They fit well and I generally pair them with a well fit...tucked in polo.
I don't see why anyone would have a problem with that. Though I do wear the plain old bermuda length 'traditional' shorts to the fancier clubs.
Anon - nobody said that wearing jeans on a golf course was "radical". Some courses just aren't as strict on their dress code because of their location and who plays there.
ReplyDeleteShould we assume that you are a snob because you laugh at how people might dress if those clothes simply fit in with the culture of the area ?
Pretty sure you wouldn't like it if the shoe were on the other foot.
Cargo shorts and trousers look pretty good. BUT do not put anything in the pockets, they look terrible when they are stuffed full of golf balls and other rubbish.
ReplyDeleteCargo trousers are a fashion item not a utiltiy item. That is why you have a golf bag is to carry all your bits around leave the cargo pockets to look good.
Adrian, www.GolfGarb.co.uk
ReplyDeleteyou're last comment really does not make sense. you seem to be an old crybaby who has very thin skin. do you bruise easily?
Good Job! :)
ReplyDeleteWell since I use these at the golf course, I have to say keep them. They come in handy to carry provisional balls, tees, and store glove while putting.
ReplyDeleteAs with everything in life, it must have its limitations. You should not have overly big pockets or look like you were painting your house 30 minutes prior to teeing off, but it should be the golfer's discrtion.
I mean come on, have you seen the recent designs by Polo for golf shorts, I rather golf in jeans, than getting caught wearing some of those atrocious outfits. And let's think back and the "male capri" pants of the 1920's...its a similar look, but fitting to our times....
Traditionnn!!!! as Tevye would say, is meant to be broken. I'm sure someone had a fit 60 years ago, when me started wearing short sleeve shirts or dropped the tie at the course, or even stopped wearing the diamond pattern socks (knee highs), and if tradition is at stake...why not keep the steel spike shoes that we all grew up with?????
Forward Progress, YES!
As long as they are conformable with it, then let them be - not unless there is as sound basis not to use one while playing golf, is there?
ReplyDeleteAs long as they play ready golf and stay ahead of the group behind I'm not to worried what they where. Beer bellies and butt cracks hanging out of fashionable attire is more disgusting than cargo pants.