
You're Invited ... to the ClamBake Cafe

Tonight's the night! I'll be joining Scot Duke on BlogTV for his live show, the ClamBake Cafe. We'll be talking about golf on the internet; golf blogging, golf social social networking, favorite golf sites... we'll be covering a number of interesting topics and we'd love have you stop by. You'll be able to join the conversation too, because the show has it's own live chat room, So head over to BlogTV tonight. We'll be on at 7:00 8:00 EST. Hope to see you there.

Here's a link to the show.


  1. You forgot to tell them that the first drink is on me...just kidding. Look forward to chatting with you and all of your fans tonight on the ClamBake Cafe Show.

  2. I'll be there tonight. So it's BYOB I'll bring my Johnny Walker. :)

  3. Be sure to go to the site a few minutes ahead of time ! is a free subscription site, but you do have to sign up to be able to sign in...and we don't want to miss a minute of Golf Hottie...errr...Golf Girl Patricia tonight. :-)

  4. Hi GolfGirl,

    Sorry I missed the show, I'll try and catch a 're-run.'

    I noticed you took part in one of the My ooVoo Day Sessions, which means you are probably using ooVoo. Quick question - and I only ask because I'm an avid golfer, have you considered online golf tutorial by high quality video chat software. This could be incredible for fixing fundamental swing flaws; setup, grip etc.




  5. It was much fun! I don't blog or do the live video you have me doing BOTH. Hmmm. I'll invite my golfgal friends if there's way to make it easy...a group invite or something?

    Cheers from Fort Lauderdale!

  6. well done ! looked like you were having fun...and just enough vino to keep you relaxed. :-D

    replays on demand !

  7. Thanks sooo much for coming it was lots of fun wasn't it. The great thing is that now there doing all sorts of platforms that allow muliple users so lets all of us get together and do a panel thing soon. The technology is developing by leaps and bounds. It's great.

    Thanks again for coming.

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Lets us know what you think...