

Cargo Shorts - A Golf Fashion Faux Pas ? (UPDATED)

"I am getting big objections from the men at our club because I banned cargo shorts in the dress code. What do you say?"

The other day this question came to me from one of my readers who, as the board member in charge of his club's dress code policy, obviously had a cargo shorts controversy on his hands.

So, are cargo shorts really controversial? On many U.S. golf courses, it seems they are. In researching the issue I found numerous references to the ample, multi-pocketed pants in country club dress codes from across the nation.

Generally, at many of these private playgrounds, cargo shorts appear to to be on a par with ...say...spandex leggings or draw string warm up pants.

"Tank tops, tee shirts, fishnet tops, cut-offs, cargo shorts, blue jeans, bathing suits, tennis, boating or exercise shorts and other athletic shorts are not permitted". That's the way the men's dress code rules at gorgeous Island Country Club of Marco Island, Florida puts it. Many private clubs were equally categorical in their rejection of any pant with the word cargo in it's name. Others however, seemed a bit more flexible, rejecting only, "Cargo shorts that are baggy, or with exaggerated pockets..." but wait a minute, are all cargo pants baggy with big pockets? Well the Under Armour Birdie Cargo Shorts are, and the Ralph Loren Classic Cargos are pretty ample as well, but surprisingly (to me) Izod's Golf XFG Zip Cargo Shorts are quite sleek as are Nike's Classic Cargos.

And therein probably lies the problem. Though we all certainly have an image in our mind when we think of "cargo shorts", in fact, they can actually be anything from sleek Bermuda shorts with a discreet extra pocket or two, to voluminous mid-calf clown pants with a multitude of huge, superfluous pockets.

I snapped the photo above yesterday at Candlewood Valley Country Club, a high end public golf course. As at many such courses, their dress code is simply stated as "traditional golf attire". Well, I don't know about traditional, but these guys were unconditional cargo fans...and told me they'd definitely think twice about playing where they weren't permitted.

So, what do you think of the cargo conundrum?

UPDATE: Over the weekend a couple of GGD readers, golf bloggers Cameron Davidson and Scot Duke were doing a film shoot at the 500 Club in Phoenix AZ and witnessed the scene below. Cameron snapped a photo and sent me the evidence: Apparently cargo shorts are alive and well...and appreciated by quite a number of golfers.


Sex is Back. So How About a Girlfriend Golf Getaway?

Get out your Manolo Blahnik golf shoes! Tonight is the long awaited NY premiere of Sex and the City.

The small screen version, which ended four years ago, was groumd breaking... and gained a worldwide audience. That's why I'm sort of assuming everyone reading this is at least somewhat familiar with Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda... and their sexy, urban world.

Fans of the series have been craving more SATC for a while now, and finally, we're getting it... On the big screen. Yay.

As expected however, there's a bit of a gender gap when it comes to Sex...the movie I mean... not the activity (there's more like a major gender chasm when it comes to the activity, but that's beside the point).

It seems most guys would prefer to watch Indiana Jones, or take out the garbage, or have a root canal than be confronted with four, forty-ish, post-feminists who's lives revolve around designer shopping, awesome jobs and faithful, devoted girlfriends who always come through when needed. Despite the rumored existence of a "Mr. Right", in this world men are at best, peripheral playthings, so I don't really blame guys for being wary. That and the fact that few men appreciate the beauty of the perfect designer handbag.

So what's golf got to do with it you ask... understandably so... because the only reference I could find to golf in six years of episodes was the time Miranda compared a former date's "anatomy" to "one of those little miniature golf pencils". The line that followed was very funny but this blog is rated PG...or at most I can't quite repeat it here. But it's the whole "girlfriends" thing... and how it's now being successfully used to market so many things to women... that has my interest.

In the near decade since the small screen Sex and the City made it's debut, we've seen the advent of girlfriend books, girlfriend gifts, girlfriend gatherings and girlfriend getaways. They were all there before, only now they conjure up images of Carrie and company, thus they're that much more appealing. Like the Girl Getaways described by Ashley Mayo and Dana White in Golf for Women or the 40 Girlfriend Getaway packages proposed by Budget Travel. Even WorldGolf's uber manly Timothy McDonald is looking out for the girlfriends. Ok, maybe he's a metrosexual after all.

The thing is, in the end I do believe that Sex and the City has influenced our culture. It's helped women, however different they may be from the heroines of the show, place more value on their female friendships, and that seems like a good thing to me.

I've got to say though, I'll never look at that little golf pencil in the same way again.

No Manolos - I wore these awesome Aerogreen golf shoes over the weekend!


Memorial Day Greetings from Golf Girl's Diary (Updated)

Here in CT, it's been an awesome weekend so far!

It's been just the way early summer should be; full of warm sun, blue skies and green, green golf courses, the later thanks to the copious rain we've had over the past couple of weeks.

After golf on Saturday AND Sunday, tomorrow we'll be "taking a day off" to attend an old-fashioned Memorial Day parade with my Dad in the home town of Old Greenwich, CT. It's the parade I marched in for years growing up; first with girl scouts, then with my trusty flute, as part of my high school marching band. Tomorrow however, it'll be all about enjoying the nostalgia with my Dad and remembering soldiers past and present.

Then, on Tuesday, it's back to work, (and back to golf and back to blogging) all set to enjoy the summer.

UPDATE : Just a few photos of this awesome day. No golf but there'll be plenty of time for that later this week.

Dad's House Decorated for the holiday.

Dad's dog "Buddy" decorated for the holiday.

The boys of summer. Little Leaguers in parade mode.

The parade is always awesome.

I marched with the girl scouts on this same avenue a couple/few years ago...

...then I moved on to the marching band.

The parade always has lots of fire engines...and lots of fire boots and lots of fire hats.

Each year the parade ends with speeches in lovely Binny Park. It's nastolgic and nice.
Now....let me get back to golf.


Which Guys Have the Best Golf Style?

I've told you about the Pro Sports Team Challenge, right?

It's the awesome event that'll bring together living ledgends from four major sports, in a fiercely competitive golf tournament... in the California desert.

Well, it's just a couple of weeks away and excitement is building. Everyone's wondering which team has the best golfers. I'm wondering that too, but I'm also wondering which team is going to have the best dressed golfers? I mean all of these guys wear uniforms for their sports. How will they do when it's up to them? Which sport's team will excel at golf style?

Early predictions were that the hockey players would end up winners on the I'm hearing they also might come out on top on the to speak. It seems Mario Lemieux & Co are known in sports circles for their stylish ways. At this point though, it's anyone's guess.

Check the Team Challenge website for the latest updates. And remember you can get involved in a big way with ProCoaching where you'll actually help to make strategy decisions for the team of your choice.

Who knows maybe they'll even let you make some fashion decisions.


Golf Avatar Idol - Don't Forget to Enter

The competition is heating up, big time! You've sent me golf divas and golf dudes... goth golfers and preppy pros. It's amazing how creative golfers are... and how diverse!

With one week to go there are currently 18 extraordinary contestants, so if you haven't entered and you feel you can compete ...send yours in!

The deadline for submission is May 29. Then, on May 30, I'll be presenting all of the contestants (with links to their sites, if applicable) ...and you'll be able to vote for the winner.

The Prize - A Golf Girl (or Golf Guy) gift bucket which includes a T-Shirt, Hat, Coffee mug and other items and accessories. In addition, if you have a website or blog and your avatar wins, you'll win a three month link on Golf Girl's Diary.

Additional info and links to several icon makers is here. So, get creative... find your inner golf avatar...and go for it!


More Hot Looks from the Golf Girls at Sybase

Just finished compiling a few photos from my quick trip out to the Sybase classic on Saturday:

Looks like Annika's going for hotter colors and close-to-the-body styles. Let's hope this is her new look. If you've got it... flaunt it, girl!

Morgan Pressel looks like the quintessential girl next door in head to toe RL. She plays much better than said girl next door, however.

Jill McGill is 6 feet tall very lean and perfectly tanned. She looks great in this sporty outfit, but then I guess she'd look great in anything.

I know it's ultra-hot out west, but back east it's been kind brisk lately, and layers were everywhere. Minea Blomqvist wore turquoise under white. But she was far from the only one in layers...

Lots of players were wearing layers...

In great color combinations too.

Christina Kim has an awesome sense of style that's all her own. She was playing amazingly well, too. She's taking a week off this week and said she plans to spend it I guess that means we can look forward to more great styles in the weeks to come.

Unfortunately, due do my so-called day job, my time at the tournament was limited and I didn't get to see Paula or Lorena or many of my other favorite style stars golfers. I did get more shots the Natalie Gulbis look though. Like it or loath it I think we'd have to agree it was one of the strongest style statements to come out of this tournament, so I made this little tribute to Natalie's sense of style. One of my readers called it "Natalie's Booty Skirt" ...I just call it Fabulous.


Golf Girl Natalie Gulbis at the Sybase Classic - So Cute!

Do you believe this adorable outfit?

Natalie Gulbis did not disappoint yesterday, at least not fashion-wise. I took this shot at the Upper Montclair Country Club where the Sybase Classic was in full swing after a rain-out on Friday.

I'll bring you more Sybase photos, as well additional impertinant astute observations, later this weekend.


A Different Kind of Golf Swing

Like most golf bloggers, I receive all kinds of press releases. If it involves golf in any way, it usually finds it's way to my in box. So I wasn't too surprised to get one from Swingfest '08.

Are you familiar with Swingfest? No? OK, it's a convention...of sorts...for ladies and gentlemen involved in the swinger lifestyle.

It's set to take place from July 31 through August 3, at the beach front Westin Diplomat Resort in Hollywood, FL. It'll feature "swinger's lifestyle parties, sexy seminars, adult product vendors, contests and one of the top ten nude beaches in the world". Then there's the Fore Play golf tournament, which I'm assuming is why they contacted me. Actually there'll be two golf tournaments and the opportunity to win some great prizes, including a BMW328i... and I've got to say, the golf course looks awesome.

Now you may or may not be "into the swing of things" yourself, but it seems like lots of folks are. Swingfest has already preregistered thousands of guests from 22 countries and 36 US states. Talk about international! Oh, and the entire event will be hosted by celebrity porn star, Mary Carey.

I wonder what her handicap is?


Annika's Appeal - Evident Only to Golfers?

I'm not a huge Letterman fan but when I read earlier today that Annika might be his guest, I knew I'd have to tune in tonight.

Now the thing is, though I don't go around talking about it, I'm not a huge Annika fan either. Never have been, and the reason I so wanted to see her on the show is that I had begun to think that maybe I had missed something... like the star quality that other golf writers seemed to be seeing, especially in these last 24 hours, since she announced her retirement.
Of course I realize Annika is the Best Woman Golfer ever, and I know she gives generously to great charities, I've heard she's exceptionally kind as well, but I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about personality. The kind of personality that transcends golf.

So after sitting through Mr. Letterman's monologue, and his banter with the bald guy who conducts the band, I was ready to be charmed by "the other Annika", the warm, bubbly Annika I had missed till now; Well needless to say, that Annika didn't show.

The one and only Annika was there, and her job was to read the Top Ten list, in this case, the "Top Ten Reasons Annika Sorenstam is Retiring". Her performance confirmed what I always thought: that despite her brilliance on the golf course, off of it, Annika is actually very dull rather reserved. To the extent that one had the feeling she was ultra-bored, and somewhat annoyed. It also seemed she had completely skipped hair and makeup. Her hair was just there, and her her features quite washed out. Her outfit too, was strictly utilitarian, I don't even remember much about it, except that there was a shirt and slacks.

You could tell that Annika was happy to get off the stage, which she did as soon as she finished with the list, and happy to let the spotlight shine on someone else. I had told a few of my non-golfing friends to watch... folks who may have heard her name, but didn't know much beyond that... and each one called afterwards and asked how such a withdrawn girl could be a huge star. As I say, these people knew nothing of golf.

And therein lies my point. I don't believe that Annika's appeal transcends golf. Without an appreciation of her excellence on the course, I don't think one would ever remember her.

Bay Area sports writer Monte Poole wrote an article today lamenting the fact that Danica Patrick, Allison Stoke and the perennial Anna Kornikova all have a popular culture transcendancy far beyond Annika Sorenstam's, and suggesting that our culture is wrong to value sex appeal over true talent. Well the culture may well be may be low brow and superficial, especially where woman athletes are concerned...but it is what it is, and unlike the ladies mentioned above, Annika has always refused to play the glamour game, thus remaining almost invisible once off the golf course.

There's one particular thing Mr Poole writes about Annika that I absolutely don't agree with: "If she were blessed with the looks of Natalie Gulbis or Anna Rawson, Sorenstam would be a household name." I argue that Annika was, in fact, blessed with their good looks, but simply chose to focus on golf and forget the glitz. Annika never felt compelled to wear make-up or false eyelashes or cute clothes on the course. Appealing to the media... and to pop culture fans like me... was never a priority for her. Annika was always all about the game, and all about winning. That was her decision, and as she prepares for her retirement, I'm inclined to think she's not having any second thoughts about it.


Golf Girls Ring the Opening Bell

Lorena Ochoa was on Wall Street this morning, in time for the opening bell. And she brought along a couple of friends; Nicole Castrale was there, as was Anna Rawson who, I hear, caused quite a stir on the trading floor.

The girls are in the Tri-State area for the Sybase Classic, In fact, Sybase CEO John Chen rang the bell along with LPGA Commissioner Carolyn Bivens. the LPGA lovelies joined them on the bell podium.

The gang didn't spend long in downtown Manhattan though. They were soon on their way to Hamilton Farms Golf Club in New Jersey for the Chairman's Cup pro-am. It was there that Annika Sorenstam made her surprising retirement announcment.

Needless to say, a busy day was had by all.


Much Maligned Mr. Garcia Wins the Players and Praise

Let's face it, in recent years, many golf journalists... and quite a few golf bloggers... have made Sergio bashing something of a cottage industry. And the sultry Spaniard has often made their job easy. His erratic putting, combined with a tempestuous attitude, and frequent outbursts of offensive behavior, have assured him the spot of golf villain over the past couple of years.

Well, it looks like heir apparent Rory Sabatini, is going to have to step into that role on a full time basis now. Because Sergio is no longer available. With his win at Sawgrass yesterday he effectively walked out on the villain job.

Not only is has his putting been transformed, but his demeanor suddenly seems mature...wise, even. His legendary whiny arrogance, has been replaced by charming self-effacing humor. El Niño does not seem like a kid any more. In fact, at the post tournament press conference he admitted that though he "played like a kid again" this year at Sawgrass, he often "felt like an old man".

Of course, along with Sergio's own attitudinal change and his painstakingly regained putting prowess, has come a corresponding wave of warmth from the very journalists and bloggers who not long ago loved to hate him. Last night on the Golf Channel's Live from the Players, the crew was practically gushing. From the spit gate incident to the surly British Open excuse-making-blame-game, it's all been forgiven and forgotten. Everyone seems to be rejoicing in Sergio's breakthrough win. And that's understandable because most golf writers, despite appearances to the contrary, really wanted Sergio to emerge from his winless purgatory and live up to his amazing potential. And now, it seems he has, and like parents whose child has come through a tough adolescence, we're all proud of him and just hoping he stays on track.

* Photo, AFP


Golf Girl's Avatar Idol Competition - Enter to Win!

I love my Avatar. She's ultra cute and she has a pet monkey.

When I noticed that a couple of my golfblogger friends had their own adorable Avatars, I felt a contest coming on. An Avatar Idol contest!

This attractive Avatar with black hair and a pink golf cap was created by
Pink Diva who happens to be a talented designer of golf apparel and accessories.

And this blonde Avatar in the stylish bucket hat, with the puppies frolicking in the background, was created by 17Fairway, an engaging raconteuse who blogs about life in an awesome Florida golf community.

OK. The contest is simple. Create a golf Avatar and send it to me via email at I'll post them and we'll vote. The winner will receive an awesome prize package of new Golf Girl merchandise. You can use Yahoo! Avatars like we did, or any other program you want, I've listed a few below, or if you're really creative you can use a paint program to create one from scratch. We'll judge the Avatars based on cuteness, originality and golf skills. Extra points will be given to the Avatars who look the most like their creators.

We'll vote on the winner at the end of May so get working on yours and send it in.

Oh, and this contest is for guys as well as girls, in fact, the handsome Avatar below was created by a prominent guy golf blogger. Can you guess who it is?

Avatar makers: Dollz ---- Dopple Me --- Simpsons Avatar ---- Pimp my Doll ---- Shrink Pictures ---- Avatar Cpature ---- Zwinky


Grass is Greener for ChipChic Golf Girls

A couple of weeks ago I received a package containing a couple of very unusual accessories.

The first was a golf shoe bag. It had nylon mesh sides (which I like in a shoe bag)and a soft chamois lining. I could immediately tell it was sturdy and well constructed. But the most ...remarkable... thing was the AstroTurf.

Yes, the front section of the bag is made of AstroTurf...the kind you find at driving ranges and mini golfs parks. Isn't that crazy? But here's the thing. It works. It actually looks adorable. With it came a rectangular clutch purse. Now anyone who knows me knows I love my clutches I've got my Louis Vuitton and my Chanel...and now I have my AstroTurf clutch. And's ultra, cute.

Turns out these unique bags are the creation of a beautiful, bag-obsessed Canadian designer and her compay, ChipChicGolf. This girl seeks whimsy and humor and style where ever she goes. She's got several other bags in the Grass is Greener Collection, including a make-up bag a tote and the awesome little swivel caddy two of which are strategically placed in the photo above. This little bag clips onto your golf bag to carry the basics; keys, money, lipstick, etc.

The bags are all available on the ChipChic website and with the purchase of each bag, tree is planted by the environmental organization "The Tree of Canada".

Socially responsible and stylish...what could be better than that?


The Cigar / Golf Connection

Last week Nick woke up with an annoying cough and told me he was giving up cigars. And he did. For about three days. Then, when sun came out and he was able to get back onto the golf course, he quickly reached for a Cohiba.

Somehow he hadn't quite gotten around to disposing of his supply and unplugging the humidor. So yesterday, in the spring sunshine, we traversed the course surrounded by our usual cloud of smoke.

When I asked Nick what happened to his admirable anti-tabacco resolution he said he had decided to alter it slightly; he would only smoke on the golf course from now on because those were the only cigars he really enjoyed anyway, everything else he was giving up. I didn't bother to point out that he rarely ever smoked off the course, but it got me wondering what the golf/cigar connection was all about.

Clearly there is a connection. Guys who wouldn't dream of smoking in any other context happily light up on the golf course. Recently the gentlemen bloggers at Oobgolf, even started a Cigar Lounge column that's been eliciting enthusiastic comments from reader who seem to really know their stogies.

I'm not bothered by cigar smoke myself - I'm used to all kinds of smoke from living in Europe during the nineties - but I realize others are, and I do feel somewhat uncomfortable when I see the scornful stares we sometimes get from nonsmoking golfers. I hear there's even a movement afoot to ban smoking on some golf courses.

So I want to hear what you think: Cigars & Golf, do you feel they go together or would you vote for a ban? Are you bothered by golf course smokers or are you one of them...or do you just not care. Let me know what you think and maybe we can get to the bottom of this.

In the meantime Nick still has a slight cough and I'm thinking of pulling the plug on his Cohiba collection.


Golf Girl Paula Creamer Pumps it Up

When she found herself in her second playoff in as many weeks at the SemGroup Championship yesterday, Paula Creamer, decided there would not be a repeat of last week's loss to Annika Sorenstam ... even against the formidable skills of Julie Inkster. So she did what she had to do, and won.

That's the kind of competitor she is. And it's an attitude that's perfectly in tune with her new position as a partner and wellness coach with Kraft Food's Crystal Light powdered drink mix brand.

In her new roll Paula will be part of a "wellness team" headed up by actress/singer Mandy Moore, on Crystal Light's new Social Network:

Women will be encouraged to go to the site for inspiration and support in their quest for achievement, balance and wellness. Paula will launch her own challenge on UPumpitUp and will guide participants as they follow it. She'll also be involved in a Crystal Light mentoring program, that includes a series of golf workshops to help teens overcome physical and socio-economic barriers by increasing their physical and mental well-being.

It seems to me that Crystal Light couldn't have found a more perfect spokesperson for their mission.

Her latest golf outfit even matches the color of their pink lemonade.


Golf On Spring Weekends

In Connecticut's Housatonic Valley, it looks kind of like this.


Obscur Object of a Golf Collector's Desire

For the past year or so I've been collecting golf memorabilia.

My passion for golf combined with a love of Victorian and 20th Century Design makes this a natural hobby for me. Up till now, due to lack of money budgetary limitations I've been limited to post cards, prints and posters... and I have some lovely ones... However, recently I've begun to look beyond paper, to decorative objects and golf accessories.

Well, last week I discovered a golf object that was a total mystery to me. I had no idea what it all. I flipped it over and examined it more closely...and still no idea. What about you. Do you know you know what it is? Maybe you do, but if not, I'm going to let you guess. Below is second photo of the mystery golf object that might provide addtional clues to its use...or not.

Once you think you know, have a look here. I'm pretty sure you'll be surprised.