
Complement, Ridicule, or Heckle your Fellow Golfers

Golf Smak is a new iphone ap with 50 sayings and sounds that that enable the user to complement, ridicule or heckle their fellow golfers. You can ...annoy ...them at anytime, with a shake of the iPhone, as the device’s accelerometers trigger the sound.

Do people really want this sophomoric gadget?

Apparently Bill Leisenring thinks we do. ~He's the president of Marvel Apps and as he tells it, "This app extends the usefulness of the iPhone and adds another dimension to a round of golf".


  1. Great! Last year on Seabrook Island, I had a group of young men sound a horn just as I was putting. Hysterical, absolutely hysterical. Not so much. At least this offers a compliment feature.

  2. Geeze, that's that last thing we need.

  3. I'm thinking the first person that uses that thing on me during my downswing is gonna get knee-capped with my 5-iron. Seems like a silly idea to me.

  4. Why does the creator of this gadget think we need an electronic version of the human-kind I recieve each round I play? Lol!

    Has the world become so cold and electronic that we can't even heckle each other without an iphone...face to face?

  5. This isn't new. There have been little plastic toys with sounds for years. What's the big deal ? If you don't want it - don't get it. If you play with a group that enjoys toys like this - have at it.

    Why do you go out and by 50 pairs of golf shoes to match every outfit in your closet - and most of those shoes are more style than function ? Because you want them.

    It's a toy - it will pass. And the guy who invented the ap might make a few dollars.

  6. Can you program it to use profanities?

  7. Considering some clown made 40K in a week after creating the "Pull My Finger" iPhone app, it sort of figures this would happen.

    I can't imagine anyone I play with would use it, but there's no accounting for the weekend beer crowd.

  8. How long until Steve Williams is smashing someone's iPhone at a tournament?

    You can almost see it coming. The way fans act at tournaments now, it seems inevitable for this little gee-gaw to get broken out at a PGA Event. Yes, I know cellphones are ostensibly banned, but not a single tournament goes by without one ringing while a player is in his/her backswing.

  9. Brilliant, love all the comments! I agree roody - knee capping the first person with a 5 Iron. To be honest tho my mates rib me whatever I do.

    The last time I played, I got in a strop because I'd just duffed a drive across the floor.and what did my mates do? Shouted "oooooohhh stroppy" which obviously helped matters. lol

    I'm not it'll take off...but I might have to download it to have a play..

  10. Aren't the cell phones supposed to be off anyway?

  11. Remind me never to play golf in the same neighbourhood as Mr Leisenring.
    The ultimate gadget for the "you da man" and "geddin the hole" oiks.


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