OK, let me clarify. Because I fully realize "sexy" is different things to different people.
For this discussion I'm using sexy in the formulaic laddy mag sense. I'm referring to a classic dude's definition... a Maxim-ish characterization that brings to mind women like Jessica Alba, Scarlett Johansson and Kendra Wilkenson ...and pretty much any lady who appears on the pages of Victoria's Secret... girly girls who tend to wear revealing, body hugging outfits. they're Smiley, flirty and shapely. Cute. Anyway, you know what I mean. And by competitive I mean driven... determined. A take-no-prisoners winner.
So the question is: are they mutually exclusive on the golf course? Because that's what I'm talking about. I tend to think they are.
Not that a beautiful, sexy girl can't win at the top levels. Cristie Kerr is the number one woman golfer in the world and off the golf course she is that sexy girl. In designer dresses and Manolo stilettos... or her favorite Hudson jeans... she's a Babe. With a capitol B. But on the golf course... she's all business. Like other players who've held the number one spot over the years, she doesn't bring girly onto the golf course. Those who do, and there are a number of them, generally haven't fared as well in competition.
So that's the debate. Is it possible to bring sexy (girly, smiley, flirty) onto the golf course and win? Or is it just not a winning attitude. That's what we'll be talking about tonight on "Only Two Things". We'll be broadcasting from 9:30 - 10:30PM ET. And you can weigh in, on Air. Use call-in number 917-889-9592. Or join the conversation in the chat room or on Twitter... or just listen at BlogTalkRadio. Talk to you tonight.
Awesome subject!
ReplyDeletewell this should be interesting - though the question has been answered by the LPGA and LET the last few years....ok...and even The Big Break.
ReplyDeleteAdd my vote to the "of course they can" list. Leggy, curvy, feminiine, fashion minded (except for that mess Miyazto wore last Sunday)....all of that has nothing to do with the mental side of being competitive.
Besides, you women don't get enough credit for being "girly" competitive. Women can be viscious competitors - you rip each other to shreds over hair styles, or clothes, and god forbid shoes come into the conversation. Then there are boyfriends and jobs...the list goes on and on and on. You just don't do it on the sports field as often as the men. :-)
Women definitely can be Sexy and Competitive at the same time. We do it everyday, not just on the golf course. It's part of our everyday lives. Women are always competing...with each other, with their jobs, with their husbands, friends...the list goes on and on.
puh leeze
is there anyone more sexy than CHRISTINA KIM ?
she dominates GOLF BABES, including being one of the lady golfers who agreed to pose naked for the "Bodies" issue of ESPN The Magazine
and oh yeah, she hold the official record low USGA event score of 62, that's of anyone, man or woman !
IMHO she would be more GFE fun than any Victoria Secret model
plus, and this is a big plus for me personally, she fits within the "half my age plus 7" years old as date bait perfect
anyway have a great show !
ft liquordale FLA
GFE = Girl Friend Experience
Seems to be Natalie Bulbous has lengthened her skirts a bit lately and has been playing much better. Coincidence?
ReplyDeleteYet as far as I'm concerned re skirt length, the sky's the limit.
You guys are funny, and this should be a very interesting discussion because... of the definition of sexy that Patricia is referring to, the "Dude Definition", implies weakness. smiley, cute, eager-to-please. It also implies short, tight clothing.
ReplyDeleteI play in a lot of amateur events and I know I couldn't win with that attitude and those kinds of outfits.
I agree with Frank on Cristina Kim Shes way sexy even tho she doesnt fit the dude def. Like your date bait rule too Frank.
ReplyDeleteI think a woman who conforms to the girly, glamorous, "guy definition" of sexy could can play well and win occasionally - but to win consistently and dominate the game for years like Annika and Lorena did, I don't think so.
ReplyDeleteHmm - Lisa - so Natalie Gulbis is "eager to please" ? :-)
ReplyDeleteI know we guys are easy, but you can't put one definition of sexy across the board. A lot of guys prefer women who are active and athletic - which means willing to compete...even with the hubby/bf.
Christina Kim is a great example. To me, she's not "sexy" looking at all, looks wise - but DAMN she's fun.
ReplyDeleteany DUDE will tell ya -
SEXY is as sexy DOES !
being a FUN person is very sexy IMHO
being competative means doing what it takes - and aint that sexy to most guys ? LOL
oh boy, this may be patricia's last time on the air if she's not careful with this conversation
ft lauderdale
rough topic, but so important. No, I don't think they're mutually exclusive. I think women are trying to conform to a widely-held opinion of "professional" and what it means to be a professional. To be able to be sexy and competitive, you have to be able to throw off convention and create your own definition and standard.
ReplyDeleteHmmmm! great post & nice question.I think women definitely can be Sexy and Competitive at the same time.
ReplyDeleteI'm super competitive, not so sure about the sexy part, but I know I'm definitely girly.
I LOVE showing up with a polka dot golf bag, bright pink skirt and a bow in my hair—ready to kick some a$$!
"Can Women Golfers be Sexy AND Competitive?"
ReplyDeleteSure. Just not at the same time.
Natalie Gulbis has done an excellent job of marketing herself to be that sexy LPGA player, but I think it's ultimately about the game. Just because a player is attractive, doesn't mean he or she will last on tour.
ReplyDelete-The Golf Professors
TXQ - annoying. I think you can be sexy and competitive at the same time. Competitiveness shows passion for something as long as you can be a good sport about what ever you are competing with. Passion is sexy, composure is sexy. Does Gulbis have composure? ...sometimes. Sexy is more than looks.
ReplyDeletethis just in on CHRISTINA KIM ......
tied for first this labor day weekend LPGA tourney with three others but lost the outright win on the second playoff hole
the monday sports section of the new york times golf writer bill pennington highlighted her book as baudy and naughty
two fo two by my count
ft liqourdale, SoFla