Bikini etiquette is quite clear: "Bikinis are not considered acceptable golf attire on most golf courses, on most occasions. The exception being the Annual Shotgun Willie's Charity Golf Tournament and other such events where strippers and/or erotic dancers are active participants".
Bunker etiquette, on the other hand, is somewhat ambiguous, and often subject to debate. The controversy frequently begins with the rake, and more specifically, should it be left inside or outside of the bunker? In fact, there is no official rule on that subject. The USGA, does have a guideline however, it's known as "out and down", which simply means the rake should be left outside the bunker, facing down. And that's fine. Except that there are some who feel the spindly sweeper is better left inside the bunker so as to avoid having it block the hapless trajectory of the next ball that makes a beeline for the beach. And I've got to admit that actually happened to me once. My ball sped towards the sand only to be stopped, a half an inch short, by a
The raking of the bunkers is also can also be an issue. For example, how thorough should one be in their sand smoothing? I've noticed that men tend to be much more meticulous than women when it comes to the bunker sweep. I wonder why? Perhaps because women feel the activity is a little too much like housework. I've heard some me do housework too, however I've never met any of those.
The Etiquette Section of the Rules of Golf now allows that "Before leaving a bunker, players should carefully fill up and smooth over all holes and footprints made by them and any nearby made by others." The rule was recently updated with an exception to distinguish between testing the condition of a hazard and tidying up the bunker.
Finally what about bunker behavior as it affects pace of play? That, like many a pace of play polemic, should be intuitive. If you're playing on an ultra busy course...forget about winning the Good Housekeeping award. Just give the trap a quick brush to smooth it out, and move on as quickly as possible. And speaking of sand traps and busy courses, if you can't get your ball out of the trap in a couple of tries you'd be well advised to surrender to the hazard. That is: pick up your ball and drop it outside the bunker for further play. I know no one likes to surrender, but you won't have to if you remember the No. 1 sand trap rule: The best way to get out of a bunker is not to get into it in the first place.

Our club wants them in the bunker, but then the question becomes where in the bunker? On the edge? I've taken to leaving the rake in the bottom of the bunker. It's more likely to be close to where the ball lands for convenience and speed of play and it's less likely to catch a ball in the bunker but leaning against the rake, leaving you with the dreaded downhill lie in the bunker.
ReplyDeleteI've never seen them, but a buddy of mine told me about a type of tube i the ground that you slide the rake into. That sounds like a good ides.
ReplyDeleteGreat information
ReplyDeletefirst time, that i know of, of you using your blog to bitch about nick. he seems like a nice guy, so just hire your maid more often and stop trying to "remake" him - he's a golfer not a candy assed loser who is willing to let you drag him around by his dick, obeying each and every one of your commands (no matter how irrational and unreasonable they may be).
real men don't do housework - housework is for sissy boys and women.
before you get your cat hair up let me ask you a few questions. when was the last time you fired up the chain saw?, swung a hammer?, put together something you bought with more than 3 parts?, fixed an appliance?, cleaned and winterized the boat?, bbq-ed the beef?... etc., etc. etc.
so my point is there are still legitimate roles that men and women assume -- women clean house and men do all the shit mentioned above ... only difference is women bitch about all the stuff men don't do and men just quietly go about their business!!!
Great Blog... I have posted it up on
I'm with Joe - put the bikini babes in the bunker. It beats railroad ties and rocks any day ! Just let them hold the rake.
ReplyDeleteThese Anon's need to get screen names - this post from Anon 4:31 (now they are bible verses) is pretty funny.
Anon 4:31
ReplyDelete- Is that you Nick? :o/
If so, NO... I'm not going to put together that IKEA desk that says, "some assembly required", that's your job. I will clean your clubs I always do, right sweetheart?
Yes, Nick it's an official rule: Some Assembly Required = Man's work. ...We girl's will just go out and play golf... and epect to see it all set up when we get back. ;-)
ReplyDeleteNot permitting the distraction of bikini clad women on the golf course is one place where golf etiquette makes a lot of practical sense:)
sorry gg, not nick
ReplyDeletei am "everyman"
Thanks for setting those gals straight "everyman". :o)
ReplyDeleteGG does do a good job cleaning the golf clubs though.
By the way Patricia, about the IKEA desk...I think there's a piece missing. Or something. ;o)
wow, is that the famous nick making a first appearance on this blog? i am honored to have "outed" u! although i have a sneaking suspicion that u have been posting anon's on gg's blog fpor a long time.
ReplyDeletewhere is mr. golf biz? i miss him!!!
I was playing golf on vacation a few weeks ago in upstate NY and on the third hole I hit a bunker, but couldn't find the rake...same the happened on 11. When I found the beach yet again on the 15th I finally noticesd that there was a rake attached to the cart. Don't ask me how I didn't notice it before, but there was one attached to every cart. Pretty cool. I don't know what they expected the walkers to do though.
ReplyDeleteI don't mind bunker rakes or bikinis
ReplyDeleteMakes no sense to put the rake inside the bunker, well, I suppose it could be argued that it also makes no sense to put them outside the bunker either.. but out of the two I'll take the outside. Not really a fan of rakes in the cart, I find myself always forgetting it and having to trudge all the way back to the cart to get it. I think 'ol Nick might suffer from split personalities, one that posts anon and other that posts nicholas! :)
ReplyDeleteBy the way, IKEA is one of those love/hate places, I love the prices and the selection is pretty awesome, but I hate when I get home and the dang unit has no instructions or hardware... Oh and I love this:
Would you like a bag for that sir?
That'll be $.35 cents.. :)