
The Great Gundy and The One-Eyed Golfer

I read lots of golf blogs.

These days, a surprising number are extremely well researched and written... expertly edited and thoroughly entertaining... with content that's singularly unique and original.

One of my favorites - one that embodies all of the above characteristics, and then some - is Vince Spence's One-Eyed Golfer. A sympathetic voice and sense of history make his frequent posts a pleasure to peruse.

For example, Friday's piece on The Great Gundy. Perhaps I'm one of the few who were unaware of this champion's inspiring story, but unaware I was, and I thank Mr. Spence for enlightening me.

Definitely check out the post if you haven't, and if you're not a regular reader of One-Eyed Golfer, have a look through it... and I'm quite sure you'll soon become one.


  1. I wanted to be the first to second that, so I rushed this comment and there might be some tpyos in it.

    Well, one anyway, near the end of the previous sentence.

  2. Chief Plays-With-Blog6/07/2009 3:17 PM

    One-Eyed should really cut down on his knocking his own blogability.

    He's bloggin' unbelievable.

  3. Chief Plays-for-Peanuts6/07/2009 3:24 PM

    If that's an embroidered Snoopy with a golf club in his/her mouth, Gundy was also a snappy dresser.

  4. One-Eyed definitely has a great slant and a solid knowledge of history. Love is sense of humor too.

  5. I also enjoy one-eyed blogs. I wish I has his knowledge of history.

  6. Ms. Gundy really is great and One-Eyed is one-of-a-kind. I read his blog from start to finish.

    Thanks for sharing both.

  7. One-Eyed is the real deal. I love his blog. He is even funnier than he is knowledgeable. He definitely knows more about golf than me. ;o)

  8. Thanks for the heads up about this blog - a good read.

  9. Vince is a great writer, and his blog is worth every second you'll spend reading it.

    He's also an expert on the rules and handicaps, and we've had some decent discussions regarding those two oft-misunderstood subjects.

    And he, like you Patricia, have a standing invitation to a round on me if ever you make it down this way.

  10. Typopotamus Lands on Scorecard!

    Yeah, just kidding.

    My guess is you're simply looser when playing a more casual game, as with your daughter, and you have more talent than you realize.

    Maybe you should blog with your daughter by your side to improve your blogging.

    Yeah, just kidding.


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