
Nine Year Old Golf Girl Hits a Hole in One

Congratulations to this adorable Golf Girl. Her name is Rhiannon and she comes from the UK. She's only been playing golf for four months and she's only nine years old. And just like that, at her local course, she hits a hole in one. Needless to say, friends and family were extremely impressed. Seems she's the youngest female on record to accomplish this feat.

The story's right pictures...and it's an inspiring one. Congrats Rhi, you're off to a great start!


The Globalization of Professional Golf

During the past 24 hours hours, the golf blogosphere has been rife with post-Accenture musings on the state of International vs American golf. It's almost reminiscent of the post-Ryder Cup commentary way back in the balmy days of mid-September 06, when bloggers and other journalists spent several days analysing the future of golf in an increasingly global environment...then quickly moved on to other topics. Like Tiger's victories and Michelle's defeats.

But now this match-play event has caused the internationalization debate to begin again. Suddenly I'm reading about the "global players that are stemming the tide of American dominance"... And about the fact that this event, sans an American in the finals, truly does echo the US Ryder cup doldrums. Still another excellent article noted "the frightening lack of young American golf stars". There were even some perceptive pieces from as far away as India on this controversial subject. Such musings are definitely widespread right now. However, as Henrik Stenson well knows, many American golf fans determine a player's stature by his success on the PGA Tour, regardless of how he fares on other circuits around the world. So again the topic will probably fade from our consciousnesses...and our blogs...quite quickly.

If you only read one story on the globalization of golf though, I would highly reccomend this piece by Ron Sirak of Golf World Magazine. It's revealing and honest and charming at the same time...and that's not easy to do. I know, I've tried.


Looks Like Henrik Stenson has Arrived

The adorable young man at left is Henrik Stenson shortly after the turn of the Century.

It was 2001. He joined the European Tour that year, and almost immediately won the Benson and Hedges International Open. Then... well, he just persevered for a while, patiently working through swing problems and resulting lapses in confidence. Flash forward half a decade and he's the top ranked European golfer in the world and winning all over the place. I first wrote about Henrik back in early January when he hit a 721 yard drive off the wing of a Boeing 767 aircraft, to win the Swing on the Wing Challenge. That was a long drive event that led up to the Abu Dhabi Golf Championship. The guy's a long hitter, that's for sure. Then just a couple of weeks ago he put the kibosh on the much anticipated Tiger / Ernie showdown by winning the Dubai Desert Classic. And now there's his hard fought victory over defending champion Goeff Ogilvy at the Accenture Match Play Championship. I have a feeling this might be the event that finally puts him on the radar screens of more US golf fans and even US sports fans outside of the golf world. Henrik himself would probably not venture such an opinion. You see, he's humble and soft spoken and reserved, as Swedes often are. In fact, unlike other top golfers, when asked the inevitable Tiger challenge question, Henrik didn't express aspirations to replace Tiger as No.1 only that he "hoped he could beat him a couple of times".

Yep, I think this is going to be a great year for Henrik Stenson. He appears to have reached that magical place where everything's coming together. Oh, and he's got a couple of Uber-Golf Girls in his corner as well, and that never hurt anyone.


From Sexy Calendars to Sexy...Credit Cards? What will Golf Girls do Next?

No really...I'm serious. It seems the latest venture for us hot, marketable Golf Girls is the celebrity branded credit card. Actually, it's more like a pre-paid gift card...and uber-talented Calendar/Golf Girl, Natalie Gulbis is one of the latest superstars sign up. She's entered into an agreement with San Antonio-based Payment Data Systems to create a new Natalie Gulbis Gift MasterCard. According to the PD honchos, Nat's a natural for this product. After all, she is one of Advertising Age's top five most marketable young athletes so she'll surely help the company reach "the young, successful, and talented demographic" they're lusting after. Customers will be able to choose from a series of Natalie card designs too. Sweet.

Another well known calendar queen who's already done the Gift Card thing, is Carmen Electra, and apparently her cards have been very popular. So it looks like the Natalie licence is pretty much a slam dunk hole-in-one.

So, the NG empire continues to grow...let me get this straight now; She has a website, a reality TV show, and a sexy calendar. She's featured in the Tiger Woods video game, she's got great endorsement deals and she's playing extremely high level golf. And now she has her own "gift card program". Meanwhile, I have a flegling blog.

Looks like I've got some catching up to do.

Update: OK now that I've got the card...I'll be working on the calendar this weekend.


I'm Getting Addicted to Golf in London

Funny, over-the-top golf writing is quite rare, and it always slays me. That's why I'm so crazy about Golf in London. Underneath an elegant understated skin, it's an exuberant romp of a golf blog. A guided trek though the hinterlands of London, often via underground, in search of places to play. And it turns out there are lots of them...some in rather unlikely urban neighborhoods, and most just a wedge shot from the tube stations.

In addition to his course reviews, Mr. Golf in London also reviews golf movies and provides animated commentary on golf etiquette, golf fashion and his own often less than stellar, but sometimes brilliant, game. He does all this in a voice that's unique and intelligent and hilarious. So check it out, but proceed with caution, for you too might become addicted to Golf in London.


Weekly Fashion File - Diamonds are a Golf Girl's Best Friend

Adorable SBS Open winner Paula Creamer is known for her stellar golf game and her pink on pink ... on pink outfits. But she also likes a little bling, both on and off the course. Don't we all? Well apparently we do, because "glitter on the golf course" has been proclaimed one of the hot trends this season. According to an informative article I received from my
sourcefriend and fellow blogger, Scott (of Tartan Golf Grips fame), sparkling splendor was all over the place at the recent PGA Merchandise Show. Now, I didn't really get this from reading the golf blogs because most of the blog coverage of the show (and there was lots of excellent coverage) was by guys, and more focused on high tech clubs, innovative golf gadgets and the hot babes who were manning the booths...rather than the abundance of Swarovsky crystals embelishing everything from golf bags to golf gloves to ballmarkers and divot tools.

Personally, I love this trend. However, some of the new golf sparklers are way, way over-the-top, even for my pimped-out predilections. Allow me to present exibit A:
Just your average, everyday diamond encrusted golf bag, complete with matching bejeweled head covers. OK. See what I mean by over-the-top? It's part of Belding Golf Bag's, Private Collection line which includes other models with discriptive names like "Glitter Ball" and "Gay Paris".

Like iced out hip-hop grills, I find this golf bag fascinating... but it probably wont be sharing a golf cart with me any time soon.

So, lets move on to the arena of more "wearable" golf bling, shall we? My absolute fav is the Mettlemark line of uber-elegant pendants and hat clips. The designs are minimalist. Stunning in their simplicity. All are made of precious metals, gemstones, diamonds or enamels...and each piece is so functional. Both the hat clips and the pendants incorporate a strong magnet that holds one of the interchangable ball marks in place. In case Nick is reading this, I
needrequiredesperately want items MP-1-WP-002-03 and MC-2-WP-002-03. But any of the pieces from this extraordinary line would be welcome.

For more whimsical, but equally icy ball markers, check out Bonjoc. This is where the Swarovsky crystals come in. Tons of them, in every color imaginable. The shapes are awesome too. The 2007 line includes every thing from hearts to flowers to little yellow ducks. They also offer some adorable snap on markers...little bejeweled enamale flowers...that attach to your glove. Sweet. I want
a couplethem all please. And, speaking of gloves remember back in October I wrote about Sassy Swing's golf gloves...the ones with the beaded bracelets that double as a stroke counters. Well it seems they generated a resounding buzz at the show. Again, in addition to being cute as can be, the metals are precious, the crystals are Swarovsky and the products are innovative and functional.

Now, anyone who knows me knows my middle name is Tiffany. Actually that's a lie, but I am a Tiffany's girl. Through and through. So of course I fell for this golf charm...and I'm happy to report one is being attached to my charm bracelet at this very moment. I don't wear my charm bracelet on the golf course - my swing is bad enough without the jingling distraction it would provide - but it's one of my favorite pieces of jewelry and I've been able to find lot's of cute golf charms.

Now what about the bling thing for golf guys? Well, there's some evidence that it's starting to happen. Tragically hip (in a good way) Swedish haberdasher J.Liniberg's white leather "slater pro belt" with its sculptured silver or gold tone buckle can make any guy look like
a Swedish pimpJesper Parnevik. And there's no reason why a confident male couldn't wear one of those artful Mettlemark hat clips I wrote about earlier. After all why should guys not shine a little. True, not everyone loves it; some of my fellow bloggers, find that even a hint of bling on a guy is way too pimp-like. But I'm pretty sure this trend is going to be around for a while, because believe me, once you start sparkling it's really hard to stop.


Golf Girl of the Week - Cristie Kerr

It's been an ultra busy week. One of those ones where everything converges in a storm of work deadlines, obligatory social engagements and annoying demanding husbands. Then there was the actual storm. Her name was Agatha and she caused us a power outage. Thus creating a bigger backlog of unfinished assignments. It happens every now and again. You deal with it. And you work over the weekend. Oh well.

On a happy note though, this week's Golf Girl makes my blogging job super easy. After all, she's Cristie Kerr, so needs no introduction. She's the top ranked American female golfer, No. 4 in the world, and she's beautiful. Very beautiful. People notice those things. Beyond her obvious physical and athletic superiority, she's got her heart and spirit the right place too. When her Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, she founded "Birdies for Breast Cancer", to raise money for breast cancer research. She works tirelessly on its fundraisers and events, thereby touching the lives of so many. A recent Celebrity Poker Tournament she organized in Las Vegas bought in $140,000! Additionaly she donates $50. for each birdie she makes...and this Golf Girl makes lots of birdies. Cristie also sells some really cute products,from which the proceeds go to here foundation.

Right now Cristie's in Hawaii getting ready to tee off for the second round of the SBS, this less then a week after her third place finish in The Australian Ladies Masters.

Though she doesn't generate as much press as Paula or Natalie or Michelle, I don't think I need to say much more here, it's quite clear...Christie Kerr is one extraordinary Golf Girl.

Oh, I forgot one thing, Cristie's been featured in Golf Babes, like, ten times. Not too many Golf Girls out there who can make that lofty claim.


Happy Valentine's Day

Belated Happy Valentine's Day! It could have been a disaster. Here in CT we had a HUGE snow + ice storm...complete with high winds and a neighborhood power outage. But thanks to our three fireplaces and Veuve Clicquot Rosé Nick & I had the perfect Valentine's snow day. Sometimes things just work out right.


Golf Girl Poll: We Know Tiger Transcends Golf, But Do Any of These Other Guys?

Perusing golf stories and articles and blogs and shopping I'm wont to do at work during my spare time...I came upon this testy article by Steve Dilbeck of the LA Daily News. Essentially it berates Tiger Woods for failing to enter the Nissan Open and opines that his reason for not entering is that he's afraid of it and feels he can't win there. Whatever. To me the piece came off as sanctimonious and anyone who knows me knows I have no tolerance for sanctimonious.

But I've go to say, one bit got me to thinking. It was this: "Let's be brutally honest here -- the causal sports fan would be hard-pressed to name five golfers besides Woods. They'd actually have a better chance of describing them than naming them. --- "Let's see, there's Phil Mickelson -- or is it Nickelson? There's the overweight, smoking guy who sings really bad country- western songs. And the Indian who's really from Fiji whose name I can never figure out if it rhymes with sing. And does Jack Nicklaus still play? And, and ...---The average sports fan wouldn't know Adam Scott from Walter Scott. If you know Jim Furyk is the No. 2-ranked player in the world, you're not a sports nut, you're a golf fanatic.---Tiger is the only player who transcends golf."

While I strongly suspect this to be true. I got to wondering who would be the second most recognizable contemporary male golfer...after Tiger. So I did the logical thing: I made up this little poll. And I'm hoping it sheds some light. Note: I didn't include female or senior players, though I have no doubt that several of their names are more recognizable then the those of the guys I included. For this poll I wanted to focus on the gentlemen who regularly play with Tiger.

If asked to name one contemporary golfer besides Tiger Woods, which of the the following would the causal sports fan be most likely to name:
Phil Mickelson
Vijay Singh
Jim Furyk
Ernie Els
John Daly

View Results


Anna Nicole's Tabloid Life and Sudden Death - A Cautionary Tale for John Daly

Talk about wall-to-wall coverage! If you were awake for even a small part of this weekend, chances are you heard more than you ever wanted to about the dysfunctional life and premature death of pop culture icon Anna Nicole Smith. News of her death was presented by major networks and serious journalists as shocking and unbelievable. But didn't most of us suspect that there wasn't going to be a happy ending to this story. I think we did, but a train wreck is still shocking, even if you see it coming... and Anna Nichole's life was the classic celebrity train wreck.

And that's where John Daly comes in. JD, with his tumultuous life, has been deemed a train wreck by scores of journalists and bloggers, in the golf world and beyond. When I googled John Daly train wreck, I got 154,000 hits. Really. This represents hundreds and hundreds of articles.

Beyond the basic train wreck label, the more minute details of these two big lives are also eerily similar. There are the obvious physical and cultural similarities: Both, big, pneumatic American blondes with southern roots, trailer park tendencies and addictive personalities. In each case those personalities led to substance abuse, hard partying, casino carousing and continual weight struggles. They also contributed to multiple marriage meltdowns and astonishing reversals in both career and fortune. And at about the same time, each of these 40ish pop culture phenoms achieved what's become the ultimate goal for a celebri-novelty act: She and He both became their own reality shows.

And here's where we have to hope the two stories diverge. As news of Anna Nicole's untimely death was being regurgitated by the likes of Larry King and Brian Williams. John Daly was strolling the wet, windy fairways of Pebble Beach, smoking his customary Marlboros. I'm sure he heard the news and I'd be surprised if he didn't pause somewhere inside himself with at least a hint of recognition. He ultimately failed to make the cut at Pebble, but said he felt he was "close to playing really well." adding, "I can feel it. I just gotta get some breaks." Those of us who really like John Daly have to hope he does.


Tennis + Golf = Dating Bliss

First of all, I'd like to thank the anonymous commenter who tipped me off to this story earlier in the week. It's still somewhat under the radar, but there has been a bit of blogging about it here and there. It's the kind of story I really like too, particularly around Valentine's Day.
You know Hank Kuehne, right? He of the obscenely long drives...the 1998 U.S. Amateur champion? And you know Venus Williams, one half of the most dynamic sister act in the history of tennis, or any other sport. Well it seems they're dating! Yep, according to rumors heard a couple of weeks ago on the pastoral practice greens at Torrey Pines, the two were recently seen having dinner together at a posh Florida resort. There are also rumors that they were seen together at the Super Bowl this past weekend. So it definitely sounds like something's up.

Personally, I happen to like this pairing. I think it has potential. Venus is the more demure of the Williams sisters, (if either could be called demure), so she may have a calming effect on Hank, who can be a wee bit...turbulent. Also, Hank has been struggling with back problems for a while and I have no doubt Venus could give a stellar massage. So, I'm going watch and see where this goes. I'll keep you posted.

Note: File under "shameless gossip".


Golf Girl of the Week - Gia Bocra

In addition to everything else she's got, this Golf Girl of the Week just landed the ultimate golf dream job. Frankly, it's a job I desperately wanted myself, so I do harbor a wee bit of anger bitterness rage envy. Yep, I'm green with envy. You see, Gia Bocra was just selected as the new host of Fine Living Network's The Wandering Golfer. She was chosen from 1,500 applicants and even I have to admit, she's perfect for the job. First of all she's really, really cute with a warm, bubbly personality. Secondly she's a LPGA Teaching Pro who's worked at some of the country's top clubs, with some of the top golf instructors, for the past 10 years. In addition, Gia was captain of the women's golf team at Rutgers and has degree in Journalism.

The dream job in question will take this Golf Girl around the world to explore the planet's most amazing golf destinations. If you've seen the show, you know it's as much about travel as it is about golf. But there's plenty of golf and it's presented in an engaging, informal, fun way. Yes, Gia will be perfect. But I would have been perfect too, damn it. Just because I've only been playing golf for a few months doesn't mean I couldn't host the show, right? Well, maybe they did want someone with a tad bit more golf experience. So, I guess I'll just have to create my own version of The Wandering Golfer. I'll call it The Wandering Quadruple Bogey Golf Girl. Hmmm, that title needs work. In the meantime, I extend my reluctant heartfelt congratulations to Golf Girl of the Week and new host of The Wandering Golfer, Gia Bocra.

Shout out to John Drennen from Beaker's Golf Blog. He blogged about Gia over the weekend. That's how I found out she'd won.


Weekly Fashion File - Guy Golfers Think Pink

OK, I guess many of us were a teenie bit dissapointed with the Dubai Desert Classic this past weekend. Sure it was exciting golf, particularly parts of Sunday's back nine, yet who could help fantasizing about a fierce, nail biting Ernie vs Tiger play off? Well, both guys were right up there throughout, teasing us with that tantalizing prospect, but in the end, the often under-appreciated long-hitting "local hero" Henrik Stenson won out. The wicked sandstorm that last day was a weather condition that his current residence, right there in Dubai, appeared to have prepared him for. Ah well, we'll have to wait a while for the big showdown, but I have little doubt that it will come. Soon.

There was, however, one show in the dessert kingdom over the weekend that did not disappoint; and that was the fairway fashion show. The guys looked fabulous all throughout the tournament. And the shining star on this grassy, green catwalk was definitely Pink. I'm talking about Pink, the color. It was everywhere, in every shade. It looked luscious on everyone too, regardless of skin tone.... and with such an international field, there was a whole melting pot full of skin tones.

The thing that's so amazing about pink is that, more than any other color, it seems to have personality and attitude. On girls the color's always going to be flirty and feminine. It says sexy, spoiled, sometimes sweet and occassionally, manipulative. So how can it be so not those things on guys?
Men who wear pink send out a distinctly confident and contemporary vibe. They automatically appear to be creative and open minded...and somewhat bold. It's almost a rule that guys who wear pink are highly functioning individualists. Dumb guys don't wear pink, neither do sloppy, careless guys. On men, pink is the color of a winner and perhaps that's why it's becoming so pervasive in golf.

But there are still people and places that haven't warmed up to the pink on men trend, so if you're still a little reluctant to embrace those strawberry shades, how do you join the pink parade?

It's not that difficult. You see, another great thing about pink is that it goes so well with all your wardrobe staples, ie., grays, tans, navys, black and white. So you can begin slowly by introducing pink accessories, then move on to the more important pieces as you get more comfortable with the hue (and begin to pile up the compliments). So why not start with a belt, like Jean-Francois Lucquin did in Dubai? That's him in the upper right corner of the golfer montage at the top of this page. The belts at left would work both on and off the course. The one at the top even has a golf club pattern. They're by one of my favorite apparel companies in the entire world, Vineyard Vines.

Off the greens, say at the country club gala, or the opening of that new urban night club, go for a tie with a touch or two of pink. Hermes has many that are nothing less than sublime. Then you're all set to add a lid. The Minuzo baseball cap or if the stylish Hermes bucket hat (with handy zipper pocket) are great options. Note from the fashion editor: The bucket hat works best on a guy who's super young, ultra lean and speaks with an Australian or British accent.

When you're ready to move on to a polo or sweater the choices are endless. Stripes or solids in shades that run the spectrum from the coolest powdery pink to the hottest flamingo fuscia. The shirts to your left are from Izod, Asford, Ralph Lauren and Tommy Bahama, and there are so many more... on line, in golf shops or at department stores.

Now, if you're contemplating pink pants or shorts, I think it's safe to say you're feeling pretty comfortable with this creative color, so go for it! Niclas Fasth and Jyoti Randhawa did in Dubai, and they looked hot. Hot and classy, which is a very good look. At left are shorts and slacks both in Bermuda Pink, both from Vineyard Vines. And who knows, perhaps someday you'll even dare to wear these pink knickers...or not.

If after all this you're still wary of taking the plunge into pink, ask a few females. I think you find almost universal enthusiasm, and admiration for your good taste, confidence and bold fashion sense. And we girls know from fashion sense. So go ahead take your cue from the Golf Guys in Dubai, and think pink. But wait a minute... while we are willing to share our passion for pink, we ladies still do it best. This was abundantly clear last weekend at another golf event on the other side of the world.

Super Bowl XLI

I'm heading off to a Super Bowl party. I hope I don't drink too much but I suppose I probably will because I'm not particularly excited about either of the teams. And such lack of enthusiasm has been known to lead me to consume a couple several too many beers in the past. So right now I'm trying to muster up some passion for the Bears...(they're the underdogs right?)...but I've gotta say, it's not really working. Oh well, maybe Prince'll misbehave. Here's to hoping.


I lost money.
Prince was boring.
I'm somewhat hammered slightly tipsy.
Good Night.


Golf Course as Sculpture Garden? I Love the Idea.

...Particularly when the sculptural works in question are monumental 20th century masterpieces, and the course the heartbreakingly beautiful Islewood Country Club in central FL.

I can barely imagine a more sublime golf experience. Picture it: you're playing an amazing Arnold Palmer course, and one-by-one you come upon works by the likes of Rodin, Léger, Botero, Miro... each enchanting piece telling its own story, in bronze or steel or marble. What could be more delightful than that?

This is an annual event, put on by Sotheby's, it's actually an exhibition and private sale, and it runs from now through the middle of April. Sadly, I get the impression that this particular golf experience is only open to the ultra rich and privileged and I don't currently count myself among those ranks. Islewood Country Club is very exclusive and I was told the price of the Calder at the top of the page is $10 million. I suppose I shouldn't complain, I've played some really nice courses and I've actually already seen a number of the works currently gracing the floral corners of Islewood. But it sure is nice to fantasize about bringing it all together.